-ability suffix
used with adjectives ending in ‘-able’ to
make nouns meaning a particular quality
-able suffix
used with many verbs to make adjectives
describing something that can be done
-able suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing a quality that someone or something has
-aholic suffix
used with nouns and verbs to make nouns
meaning someone who likes something a lot or who is unable to stop doing
-an suffix
used with names of places to make nouns
and adjectives meaning relating to a particular place or to someone who comes
from a particular place
-an suffix
used with nouns to make nouns or
adjectives meaning someone who supports something
-athon suffix
used with some nouns and verbs to make
nouns meaning an event or activity that lasts for a long time. These events are
often organized in order to make money to help people
-backed suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that a group or action is supported by an organization or country,
usually a powerful one
-backed suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing what type of back someone or something has
-backed suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that something has a particular substance or material on the back
-based suffix
used with some names of places to make
adjectives meaning happening or working in a particular place
-based suffix
used with some names to make adjectives
describing the main substance in a product
-borne suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing how something is carried from one person or place to another
-bound suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns, for
example place names, to make adjectives describing where someone or something
is going
-bound suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that someone is unable to leave a place
-bound suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that something prevents travel in a place
-bound suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that something is preventing people from working or from doing what
they want
-buster suffix
journalism used with some nouns to make nouns
describing someone or something that attacks or removes something bad
-busting suffix
journalism used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing someone or something that attacks or removes something bad
-celled suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing how many cells a living structure has
-centred suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing who or what is considered most important when planning a policy or
-centred suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing the centre of something
-clad suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing what something is covered in
-coloured suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns to
make adjectives describing what colour something is
-conscious suffix
used with some nouns and adverbs to make
adjectives describing a person or organization that gives a lot of attention to
a particular subject or thing
-controlled suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing who or what controls something
-crazed suffix
used with some nouns for saying what makes
someone behave in a crazy and uncontrolled way
-crazy suffix
used with some nouns for saying what
someone is extremely enthusiastic about
diminutive suffix noun
linguistics a group of letters that are added to the end of a word
to show that something is smaller than things of that type usually are, for
example ‘-let’ added to ‘drop’ to make ‘droplet’
-driven suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning strongly influenced or caused by something
-ee suffix
used with some verbs to make nouns meaning
someone who is affected by an action
-ee suffix
used with some verbs to make nouns meaning
someone who performs an action
-enabled suffix
computing used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning using
a particular piece of software
-er suffix
used with many verbs to make nouns meaning
someone or something that performs an action
-er suffix
used with some nouns to make other nouns
meaning someone who is involved with something, especially as a job
-er suffix
used with the names of some cities to mean
someone who comes from a place
-er suffix
used with short adjectives and adverbs to
make the comparative
-esque suffix
used with the names of some people to make
adjectives describing things relating to that person or their work
-esque suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing things that have a particular quality
-ess suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns
referring to women
-ess suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning
a female animal
-ette suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns
describing something small
-ette suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns referring
to women
-ette suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning
a substance that looks like something else
-eyed suffix
used with some adjectives for describing
someone with eyes of a particular colour or shape or a particular expression in
their eyes
-faced suffix
used with some adjectives to make other
adjectives describing the face of someone or something
-fashion suffix
used with some nouns to make adverbs
meaning ‘in the way that a particular person or thing might do something’
-fest suffix
informal used with some nouns to describe an occasion when
people do a lot of a particular activity
-fold suffix
used with numbers to make adjectives and
adverbs describing how much something increases
-framed suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing what type of frame something has
-framed suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing the size and shape of someone’s body
-free suffix
used with many nouns to make adjectives
meaning without a particular thing
-friendly suffix
sometimes used with nouns to make a new
adjective meaning that something helps or does not harm a particular type of
person or thing
-gate suffix
journalism sometimes used with nouns to make a name
for a political scandal ,
especially one that affects the president or government of the US
-goer suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning
someone who regularly goes somewhere
-grained suffix
used with some adjectives for describing
substances such as wood or stone that have a particular arrangement, pattern,
or direction of fibres
-grained suffix
used with some adjectives for describing
substances that consist of small individual pieces of a particular type
-haired suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing the hair of a person or animal
-happy suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning that someone is too willing to do or use something bad
-headed suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing the colour of someone’s hair
-headed suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing someone’s character
-hearted suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives describing someone’s character or feelings
-hood suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning
a particular state, or period in someone’s life
-hungry suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning wanting or needing a particular thing
-ify suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns to
make verbs meaning ‘to become, or to make someone or something become,
-infested suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
meaning ‘full of something harmful or unpleasant’
-ise suffix
British another spelling of -ize
-ish suffix
used with the names of places to make
adjectives and nouns meaning relating to a particular place or describing
someone who comes from a particular place
-ish suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing a quality that someone or something has
-ish suffix
used with many adjectives to make other
adjectives meaning slightly or fairly
-ish suffix
used with many numbers to make adverbs
meaning approximately
-ize suffix
used with some nouns and adjectives to
make verbs meaning to become or make something become something
-ize suffix
used with some nouns to make verbs meaning
to put someone in a particular place
-led suffix
directed, controlled, or influenced by
used with some nouns
-less suffix
without used with many nouns
-let suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning
something small
-like suffix
used with many nouns to make adjectives
meaning similar to something
-loving suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives
describing the thing that someone enjoys
-ly suffix
used with many adjectives to make adverbs
meaning in a particular way
-mad suffix
British used with some nouns for saying that someone is very
interested in a particular thing, and usually not interested in anything else
-made suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns to
make adjectives describing where or how something was created, or who created
-mania suffix
used with many nouns to make nouns meaning
an extremely strong enthusiasm for something
-mania suffix
used for making nouns describing a
particular type of mental illness
-mannered suffix
used with some adjectives and adverbs to
make adjectives describing the type of manners
that someone has
-meister suffix
humorous sometimes used with nouns to make a new word meaning
someone who is an expert at doing something, or someone who does something in a
very skilful and exciting way
-minded suffix
used with some adjectives and adverbs to
make adjectives describing the way someone thinks or their attitude to life
-minded suffix
used with many nouns to make adjectives
meaning believing that something is important or interesting
-most suffix
nearest to used with some nouns to make
-most suffix
used with some adjectives to make
adjectives meaning furthest in a particular direction
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