
vendredi 19 octobre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Catch on

Catch on (Inseparable) = Pillar o descubrir el truco a alguien.
                                               Catch = Coger On = Encima
Tony always catches on quickly with new pc games = Antonio siempre pilla el truco rápidamente a los juegos de ordenador.
He catches on quickly = Aprende fácilmente.
Lo entendieron fácilmente. - They caught on quickly.
Ella lo captó sin problemas. = She caught on without any problems.
Entendió el problema como un experto = He caught on like an expert.
Me alegro de que te dieras cuenta = I'm glad you caught on.
Cogieron rápido el truco al juego. = They quickly caught on with the game.
Aprendieron el ajedrez rápidamente = They quickly caught on to chess.
Entendieron el problema rápidamente = They quickly caught on to the problem.
Le coge el truco a los juegos del play station. = He catches on to play station games.
Finalmente nos dimos cuenta de lo que pasaba. = We finally catch on to what was happening.
Ella siempre aprende rápidamente. = She always catches on.
Las mallas se pusieron de moda en los años 80 = Leg warmers caught on in the 80’s.
¿Se pondrán de moda? = Will they catch on?
Lo entendiste con facilidad. = You catch on.
Él nunca le pilla el truco = He never catches on.
Finalmente se dieron cuenta = They finally caught on.
Él no le cogió el truco = He didn't catch on.
Los americanos le pillaron el truco a la Macarena = Americans caught on with the Macarena.
Aprendieron sin problema = They caught on without any problem.
Finalmente nos dimos cuenta = We finally caught on.
Finalmente él se dio cuenta de lo que pasaba = He finally caught on to what was happening.
Finalmente te diste cuenta = You finally caught on.
El hip-hop se está poniendo de moda = Hip-hop is catching on.
Casi no nos dimos cuenta. = We almost didn't catch on.
Ella casi no se dio cuenta. - She almost didn't catch on.
Tardé bastante en entenderlo. = It took me a while to catch on.

Intro Phrasal Verbs

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