
lundi 18 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Artistic Activities

Artistic Activities

art noun
the activity of painting, drawing, or creating sculptures.

the arts noun
activities such as art, music, film, theatre, and dance, considered together.

art form noun
an activity that involves creating or expressing something, such as painting, poetry, or music.

arts and crafts noun
art art or objects that are made by hand, for example pottery or needlework.

batik noun
a way of creating designs on cloth using wax and dye.

belles-lettres noun
old-fashioned pieces of writing on art or literature that are considered important for the beautiful or impressive way they are written rather than what they say.

brass rubbing noun
art the activity of making a picture by putting a piece of paper over a brass in a church and rubbing something such as a pencil over it.

brass rubbing noun
art a picture that someone has made in this way.

carving noun
an object, pattern, or piece of writing made by cutting stone or wood.

ceramics noun
art the art or process of making ceramic objects.

collage noun
the art of making collages.

the American spelling of colouring.

colouring noun
the activity of adding colour to a picture using pens, pencils etc.

drawing noun
the activity or skill of making pictures with a pen or pencil.

engraving noun
the process or art of engraving things.

execution noun
the act of creating a work of art.

flower arranging noun
the skill of arranging flowers in an attractive way to use for decoration.

graphic design noun
art the art of designing pictures and text for magazines, advertisements etc.

ikebana noun
the Japanese art of arranging flowers in an attractive way according to strict rules.

illumination noun
art formal the old art of painting pictures and patterns in a book or document, or one of these pictures or patterns.

illustration noun
the art of illustrating books.

kinetic art noun
art a type of art in which artists produce works that move or have parts that move.

life drawing noun
art the activity or skill of drawing people, especially a model in an art class.

linocut noun
art the art of cutting a pattern into lino.

lit abbreviation
informal literature.

literature noun
stories, poems, and plays, especially those that are considered to have value as art and not just entertainment.

lithography noun
art a method of printing pictures that uses flat metal or stone surfaces, parts of which are covered with ink.

macramé noun
the activity of knotting long bits of string together to make decorations, or the decorations made in this way.

montage noun
a single picture, piece of music etc, created by combining several different pictures, pieces of music etc.

music noun
the art or activity of writing, performing, or studying music.

oil painting noun
the art of painting pictures with oil paint.

opera noun
opera considered as an art form.

origami noun
the Japanese art of folding pieces of paper to make models.

painting noun
the activity of using paint to create a picture.

performance art noun
art a type of art in which an artist gives a performance using different art forms such as acting, dance, and painting.

the performing arts noun
types of art that are performed in front of an audience, such as plays, music, and dance.

plastic arts noun
art arts such as sculpture that produce solid objects out of materials such as clay, stone, or wood.

portraiture noun
art formal the art of making portraits of people.

pottery noun
the activity of making pottery.

printmaking noun
art the art or process of making prints by pressing paper against a surface that has a raised design covered with ink.

saddlery noun
the art or profession of making saddles and other leather products.

screenprinting noun
a method of printing a picture or design in which ink is forced through a cloth net onto paper.

sculpture noun
art the art of making sculptures.

silk screen noun
art a method of printing designs on a surface by forcing ink or paint through a thin cloth.

song noun
the art or activity of singing.

tanning noun
making animal skins into leather.

taxidermy noun
the practice of preserving dead animals, birds, or fish by filling their skins with a soft material so that they look as if they are still alive. Someone who practises taxidermy is called a taxidermist .

textiles noun
the art or industry of making cloth.

upholstery noun
the activity of covering chairs and sofas with cloth or leather to make them attractive and comfortable.

visual arts noun
art types of art in which you make something for people to look at, for example painting, drawing, and photography.

woodcarving noun
the process or skill of doing this.

bookbinding noun
       a person whose business or craft is binding books

the fine arts
art activities in which people create beautiful or interesting objects, for example painting and sculpture.

total words = 53

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