General Words for Works of Art and
art noun
paintings, drawings, and sculptures that are created to be
beautiful or to express ideas.
art noun
something that people feel has value
because it is beautiful or expresses ideas.
artwork noun
paintings, sculptures
assemblage noun
art formal a
work of art made up of different objects put together.
back catalogue noun
all the books, films, or records a company
or artist has produced in the past.
background noun
the part of a picture or pattern that is
behind the main people or things in it. The main person or thing is in the foreground.
canon noun
all the writing, music etc that is
generally accepted as the work of one writer, musician etc.
canon noun
a list of writers, musicians etc whose
work is generally accepted or studied.
composition noun
something such as a piece of music, a
piece of writing, or a painting.
creation noun
something that has been created,
especially using skill or imagination.
fine art noun
art objects such as paintings and sculptures that are created to be looked at because they are
beautiful or interesting. Fine art is different to crafts or art that has a practical use.
foreground noun
the front part of a scene or picture. The
part at the back is called the background.
image noun
the picture that you see on a computer or
television screen, or in a cinema.
image noun
a photograph, painting, or other work of
art that represents a person or thing.
imagery noun
pictures, photographs, or objects that
represent an idea.
imagery noun
a set of images.
magnum opus noun
the greatest piece of work that an artist,
a musician, or a writer has produced.
masterpiece noun
an excellent painting, book, piece of
music etc, or the best work of art that a particular artist, writer, musician
etc has ever produced.
masterwork noun
the best piece of work that a particular
artist, writer, musician etc has ever produced.
objet d’art noun
an object that is mostly for decoration
but is also considered a work of art.
oeuvre noun
formal all the books, films, paintings etc that a particular
person has produced.
op. abbreviation
opus noun
art, literature an important piece of work by a writer, artist etc.
period piece noun
an object or work of art that is typical
of the style of an earlier time, especially one that seems old-fashioned.
picture noun
a drawing, painting, or photograph.
picture noun
an image on a television, video, or
computer screen.
piece noun
a written, musical, or artistic work that someone has produced.
pix noun
informal pictures.
work noun
something produced by a writer, painter,
musician, or other artist.
work of art noun
something such as a painting or sculpture that is of very high quality.
writings noun
all the books etc that someone has written.
total words = 31
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