
mardi 26 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - The Heart, Blood and Circulation

The Heart, Blood and Circulation  

A noun
medical a common blood group in the abo system.

ABO system noun
biology the system that divides human blood into four main groups, A, B, AB, and O.

anticoagulant noun
a substance that prevents blood from coagulating becoming more solid.

aorta noun
medical the main artery that carries blood with a high oxygen level from your heart to other parts of your body.

artery noun
one of the tubes in your body that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body. A tube that returns blood to your heart is called a vein ..

atheroma noun
medical an amount of cholesterol and other substances that gradually form on the inside wall of an artery and can block the flow of blood.

atrium noun
medical each of the two upper spaces in your heart, which force blood into your ventricles lower spaces.

B noun
medical a common blood group.

beat noun
the series of regular sounds or movements as your heart pumps blood around your body.

beat noun
one of the regular sounds or movements of your heart.

bleeding noun
the process of losing blood from your body, for example from a cut.

blood noun
the red liquid that flows around inside your body.

blood cells noun
the cells that move around in your blood. The two main groups of blood cells are called red blood cells and white blood cells

blood clot noun
medical a soft mass of almost solid blood that blocks a tube in your body.

blood clotting noun
medical the process by which blood becomes thick and stops flowing, forming a solid cover over any place where your skin has been cut or broken.

blood count noun
medical the number of red or white cells in your blood, or a test to measure this, for example in order to find out the state of your immune system.

blood group noun
medical British one of the groups that human blood can be divided into. The four main groups are A , B , AB , and O . The American word is blood type

blood pressure noun
medical the pressure at which blood flows from your heart around your body Blood pressure that is either very high or very low can be dangerous to your health . 

blood products noun
medical substances that can be taken from the blood of one person and used in the medical treatment of someone else.

bloodstream noun
the blood that moves around your body.

blood sugar noun
sugars such as glucose that are present in healthy blood.

blood type noun
medical mainly American a blood group.

blood vessel noun
a tube that carries blood around your body, such as a vein or artery.

capillary noun
medical the smallest type of blood vessel , with a wall that is only one cell thick. It carries blood to and from individual cells in your body..

cardiac arrest noun
medical a heart attack.

cardio- prefix
medical relating to the heart used with some adjectives and nouns.

cardiology noun
medical the area of medicine that deals with the heart and the diseases that affect it.

carotid artery noun
medical one of the two main arteries on each side of your neck that carry blood from your heart to your head.

cholesterol noun
a substance that is found in the blood and the cells of the body. It can cause diseases of the heart and the arteries if there is too much of it.

circulation noun
biology the continuous movement of blood around your body.

clot noun
a lump consisting of blood or another liquid that has become thick.

coronary noun
medical a heart attack.

coronary artery noun
medical either of the two arteries that carry blood to the heart.

coronary thrombosis noun
medical a heart attack in which the blood supply to the heart is blocked.

corpuscle noun
medical one of the white or red cells in your blood.

embolism noun
medical something such as a blood clot a mass of blood cells that blocks a blood vessel in your body.

flutter noun
a medical condition in which your heart beats faster than normal.

flutter noun
a series of quick movements of the heart, caused by excitement or nervousness.

gamma globulin noun
medical a natural protein substance that is part of blood, and that protects you against some types of disease.

gore noun
blood from an injured person that is thick because it is partly dried.

haemo- prefix
relating to blood used with some nouns and adjectives.

haemoglobin noun
biology a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body.

heart noun
the organ in your chest that makes blood flow around your body.

heart attack noun
an occasion when someone suddenly has a lot of pain in their chest and their heart stops working.

heartbeat noun
the movement or sound of your heart as it makes blood flow round your body.

heart failure noun
a situation in which someone’s heart stops working and they die.

the American spelling of haemoglobin.

hypertension noun
medical a condition in which your blood pressure is extremely high.

infarction noun
medical a situation in which blood cannot get to an area of tissue so that the tissue dies.

jugular noun
medical a major vein in your neck that carries blood from your head to your heart. The jugular is also called the jugular vein

leucocyte noun
biology a white blood cell.

another spelling of leucocyte.

lifeblood noun
literary someone’s blood.

lymph node noun
medical one of several small organs in your body that help to remove harmful bacteria from your blood.

lymphocyte noun
biology a white blood cell that attacks antigens harmful substances that the body reacts to.

murmur noun
medical an unusual quiet sound made by your heart that may be a sign of disease or damage.

O noun
medical a common blood group in the ABO system.

palpitations noun
the movements of your heart when it beats faster than usual.

plasma noun
biology the yellowish liquid that is part of blood.

platelet noun
biology a small piece of a cell in your blood that helps it to clot form a thick mass.

pressure point noun
a place on your body where you press to stop your blood flowing.

pulmonary artery noun
medical one of two arteries tubes that carry blood from the right ventricle of your heart to your lungs.

pulmonary vein noun
medical one of four veins tubes that carry blood from your lungs to the left atrium of your heart.

pulsation noun
a strong regular movement like that of your heart.

pulse noun
medical the regular movement of blood as the heart pumps it round the body.

pulse noun
the rate of someone’s pulse, especially the number of movements that you can feel in a minute.

red blood cell noun
a blood cell that carries oxygen.

Rhesus factor noun
medical a substance found in red blood cells. Most people are Rhesus positive they have the Rhesus factor and cannot share blood with people who are Rhesus negative who do not have the Rhesus factor . 

Rh factor noun
medical rhesus factor .

serum noun
medical the thin yellow liquid that is part of blood and that separates from it when it clots becomes thick and hard.

spleen noun
medical the organ in your body that removes dead red cells from your blood and produces white cells.

ticker noun
old-fashioned your heart.

vein noun
medical one of the tubes in your body that carry blood to your heart. A tube that carries blood away from your heart is an artery

vena cava noun
medical one of the two large veins tubes that carry blood into the right side of your heart.

ventricle noun
medical one of the two lower parts of your heart that moves blood to the rest of your body.

vital signs noun
medical the signs that show you are alive, for example your breathing or your heartbeat.

white blood cell noun
biology a type of blood cell that protects your body against infection.

viral load noun
medical the amount of a virus that someone has in their blood.

total words = 78

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