
samedi 16 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Insuring and Insurance

Insuring and Insurance

actuarial adjective
business involving calculations about risks.

actuary noun
business someone whose job is to calculate the cost of insurance by examining how often deaths, accidents etc happen.

assurance noun
business British insurance, especially life insurance.

benefit noun
money or help that an insurance company gives to you.

broker noun
someone whose job is to organize business deals for other people, especially a stockbroker or an insurance broker.

British United Provident Association: an organization that provides private medical insurance in the UK.

collision damage waiver noun
legal insurance that you can buy when you hire a car so that you do not pay if the car is damaged.

comprehensive adjective
comprehensive insurance is insurance that pays for every kind of damage or loss, even if you are responsible for it.

contributory adjective
a contributory pension or insurance arrangement is one that involves payments by workers as well as employers.

cover verb
if an insurance agreement covers a situation or person, it provides protection against loss for that situation or person.

cover noun
British an agreement by an insurance company to pay money in a particular situation or for a particular event, person, or thing. The American word is coverage.

coverage noun
American the amount and type of protection that an insurance agreement gives you.

double indemnity noun
legal mainly American a section in a life insurance agreement that says the insurance company will pay double the amount of money if the person who bought the insurance dies in an accident rather than because of illness or old age.

EHIC noun
tourism European Health Insurance Card: a card that allows someone living in the European Union to receive free health treatment in another European Union country.

endowment policy noun
a type of insurance policy that you pay money to for an agreed period. At the end of this time, the money that you have invested is used for paying a large amount of money that you have borrowed, especially a mortgage .

excess noun
business British an amount of money that someone has to pay towards the cost of something, when an insurance company is going to pay the rest of the cost. The usual American word is deductible.

green card noun
British an insurance document that you need for driving your car in a foreign country.

health insurance noun
a type of insurance that pays for your medical treatment when you are ill.

indemnify verb
legal to provide someone with insurance or protection against injury or loss.

indemnify verb
legal to make a payment to someone who has suffered injury or loss.

indemnity noun
legal insurance or protection against injury or loss.

indemnity noun
a payment made to someone who has suffered injury or loss.

insurance noun
an arrangement in which you regularly pay an insurance company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured.

insurance noun
the business of selling insurance to people.

insurance noun
money that an insurance company agrees to pay you if something that you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured.

insurance noun
money that you pay regularly to an insurance company.

insurance policy noun
an official document containing the details of the agreement between you and an insurance company.

insurance premium noun
a regular payment made to an insurance company so that you are protected by insurance.

insure verb
to regularly pay an insurance company an amount of money so that they will give you money if something that you own is damaged, lost, or stolen, or if you die or are ill or injured.

insure verb
if an insurance company insures you or something that you own, they accept money from you and agree to pay you if you die or are ill or injured, or if something that you own is damaged, lost, or stolen.

insured adjective
provided with, or protected by, insurance.

the insured adjective
the person that an insurance policy affects.

insurer noun
a person or company that sells insurance.

key-person insurance noun
business an insurance policy intended to pay for replacing a worker who is very important to an organization.

life assurance noun
British life insurance.

life insurance noun
a type of insurance that pays money to your family when you die.

a British organization that sells insurance, especially for ships and aircraft. Lloyd’s is sometimes called Lloyd’s of London.

loss adjuster noun
business British someone whose job is to calculate how much an insurance company must pay to customers when they have made a claim on their insurance policy.

mutual adjective
business a mutual insurance company, building society etc is owned by all of its customers, who share its profits.

National Insurance noun
a system that all employers and workers in the UK pay into, providing money for people who do not have a job or who are old or ill.

NI abbreviation
British National Insurance.

no-claims bonus noun
British a reduction in the cost of insurance which you get when you have not claimed money in previous years for any accident or damage.

policy noun
a contract between an insurance company and a person or organization.

policyholder noun
business someone who has an insurance policy.

premium noun
an amount of money that you pay regularly for an insurance policy.

product liability noun
business the duty of a company that makes or sells a product to pay if their product causes damage or injury.

protect verb
if an insurance policy protects you, it will pay money to you or your relatives if particular bad things happen.

protection noun
the agreement made by an insurance company to pay you money if something bad happens to you or your possessions.

reinsurance noun
insurance policies that an insurance company has so that it will receive money to replace the money that it pays to its customers.

surrender value noun
the amount of money that you receive from a life insurance policy if you decide you want to stop the policy.

third-party adjective
third-party insurance protects you if you accidentally injure someone or accidentally damage their property.

travel insurance noun
tourism a type of insurance that pays for your medical treatment if you are ill when you are travelling abroad, or that gives you back your money if your holiday is cancelled.

underwrite verb
business to protect a company from loss by agreeing to buy any remaining shares that are not bought by the public when the shares first become available for sale.

underwrite verb
business to protect someone from loss with an insurance policy.

underwriter noun
a person or company that provides insurance.

adjuster noun
a good bad risk
a person or company considered according to how safe it is to lend them money or give them insurance or credit.

total words = 57 

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