
jeudi 28 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Pieces and Amounts of Wood for Various Purposes

Pieces and Amounts of Wood for Various Purposes

board noun
a thin flat piece of wood or other material that is used for something, for example for making a firm surface or for playing a game.

log noun
a thick piece of wood cut from a tree.

stick noun
a small thin piece of wood or plastic used for a particular purpose.

batten noun
a long piece of wood that is fixed to something in order to hold it in place or make it stronger.

duckboards noun
long wooden boards that you put across muddy ground for people to walk on.

stave noun
a long thin curved piece of wood used for making a large container, for example a barrel.

yoke noun
a wooden object used for connecting animals that are pulling a vehicle.

stick noun
a long strong piece of wood, usually with a handle at the top, that you use to help you to walk

chipboard noun
a hard material made from small pieces of waste wood pressed together to form boards that are used for making cheap furniture.

wood pulp noun
a substance made from very small pieces of crushed wood, used for making paper.

board noun
a thin flat sheet of wood or other hard material.

chock noun
a block of wood or metal that you put against a wheel to stop a vehicle from moving.

total words = 12

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