mercredi 20 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - The State of Being Poor

The State of Being Poor

poverty noun
a situation in which someone does not have enough money to pay for their basic needs.

austerity noun
a situation in which economic conditions are bad and people’s living standards fall.

want noun
a lack of money, food, and other things someone needs to live.

deprivation noun
a situation in which people do not have basic things that they need to live a comfortable life.

destitution noun
the state of having no money or possessions.

penury noun
formal the state of being extremely poor.

privation noun
formal a situation in which you do not have the basic things that you need for a comfortable life.

the poorhouse noun
the state of not having any money.

subsistence level noun
living conditions in which someone has only as much food and money as they need in order to stay alive.

subsistence noun
the ability to stay alive when you do not have much food or money.

gutter noun
the bad social conditions of the poorest people in society.

the cupboard is bare
British used for saying that there is no food left or money left to buy something.

impoverishment noun
indigence noun

total words = 14

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