
mercredi 20 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - To Have just Enough Money

To Have just Enough Money

afford verb
if you can afford something, you have enough money to be able to pay for it This word usually follows ‘can’, ‘could’, or ‘be able to’.

eke out
to get just enough money or food to be able to continue to exist.

subsist verb
to stay alive when you do not have much food or money.

get by
to have just enough of something such as money or knowledge so that you can do what you need to do.

scrape by
to have enough money to pay for the things that you really need in order to live, but no more.

cover verb
to have enough money to pay for something.

make (both) ends meet
to have just enough money to buy the things that you need.

live from hand to mouth
to have just enough money or food to stay alive.

stretch verb
to have enough money to pay for something.

run to
British to have enough money to buy a particular thing.

support verb
to get enough money to pay for an activity, habit, or interest, especially a bad one such as taking drugs.

keep the wolf from the door
to manage to earn enough money to buy food and other essential things.

within someone’s reach
used for saying that someone can have or do something because they have enough money or skill.

scratch a living
to manage to earn only just enough money to live.

keep body and soul together
British to have just enough money to buy food and other necessary things.

keep your head above water
informal to manage to live or keep a business working even though you are not earning much money.

total words = 16

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