vendredi 15 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Codes and Codification

Codes and Codification

alphanumeric adjective
using letters and numbers.

break verb
if someone breaks a code a secret way of writing , they learn how to understand it.

cipher noun
a secret system of writing, used for sending messages so that no one can understand them unless they know the system.

code noun
a system of words, numbers, or signs used for sending secret messages. To put a message into code is to encode it, and to translate it back from code is to decode it.

code noun
a set of numbers or letters that gives information about something, for example by showing what it is or when it was made.

code verb
to mark something with a code that gives information about it.

code verb
to mark something with a code instead of a name, so that people do not know what it is.

code verb
to put a message in code so that it is secret.

coded adjective
marked with letters or numbers that give information.

coded adjective
marked with numbers or letters instead of a name.

coded adjective
written using a secret system of words or signs.

code name noun
a name for someone or something that you use when you want to keep their real name secret.

cryptogram noun
a secret message written in code.

cryptography noun
computing the use of codes to put information on a website into a form that can only be read by users with permission.

another spelling of cipher.

dash noun
a long signal used for sending messages in morse code . Short signals are called dots.

decipher verb
to succeed in understanding the meaning of something written in a secret system of letters or symbols called a code.

decode verb
to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code.

decode verb
to change digital electronic signals into a picture and sound on your television.

decrypt verb
to change information that was in a code that could not be read or understood into a form that can be read and understood.

dot noun
a short flash of light or sound used in morse code a system for sending messages, used especially in the past . A long flash or sound is called a dash.

encode verb
to put secret information into code a system of words, numbers, or symbols that hides its real meaning.

encrypt verb
to put information into code a system of words, numbers, or symbols that hides its real meaning.

mark-up language noun
computing a system of instructions that are added to documents in the form of codes to tell a computer how to print or organize the information.

Morse code noun
a system of sending messages using signals of sound or light that represent the letters of the alphabet.

private key cryptography noun
business, computing a way of keeping Internet messages secret in which a single key letter or number changes the message into code and back again.

semaphore noun
a system for sending messages in which you hold two flags in various positions to represent different letters and numbers.

shorthand noun
a quick way of writing that uses symbols to represent letters, words, or phrases, used especially when you write what someone is saying as they are talking.

unscramble verb
to change a signal or message that has been sent in code into a form that you can understand.

encryption noun

total words = 30

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