
mardi 19 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Doctors and other Medical and Health Specialists

Doctors and other Medical and Health Specialists

anaesthetist noun
British a doctor who is trained to give people anaesthetics . The American word is anesthesiologist

analyst noun
a doctor who helps people with mental or emotional problems by listening to them talk about their experiences and feelings.

an American spelling of anaesthetist.

cardiologist noun
medical a doctor who studies the heart and deals with the diseases that affect it.

chiropodist noun
someone whose job is to treat problems with people’s feet.

chiropractor noun
someone whose job is to treat illnesses by pressing on bones in the body, especially the spine bones in the middle of your back.

clinician noun
medical a doctor who works directly with people who are ill.

consultant noun
British a senior doctor in a hospital who is an expert in a particular medical subject..

coroner noun
someone whose job is to decide officially how a person died, especially if they died in a sudden or violent way.

dermatologist noun
medical a doctor who treats people who have skin diseases.

doc noun
spoken a doctor.

doctor noun
someone whose job is to treat people who are ill or injured. When written as a title, the abbreviation of doctor is Dr . A doctor who performs medical operations is called a surgeon . A doctor who treats people in an area or town is called a GP . The most senior type of doctor in a hospital is called a consultant . Someone being treated by a doctor or nurse is called a patient.

Dr abbreviation

EMT noun
medical emergency medical technician: someone who has a qualification to give medical help to ill or injured people before they reach hospital.

family doctor noun
a doctor working in a local surgery , not in a hospital, who treats all types of illness. A family doctor is usually called a GP

flying doctor noun
a doctor, especially in Australia, who uses a plane to visit people who live far away from a town or city.

FRCS abbreviation
Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons: a member of a British organization for surgeons doctors who do medical operations on people.

general practitioner noun
a doctor or lawyer who is in general practice.

GP noun
General Practitioner: a doctor who deals with general medical problems and treats the families in a particular area.

gynaecologist noun
medical a doctor who treats medical conditions and diseases that affect women and their reproductive organs.

the American spelling of gynaecologist.

health professional noun
someone whose job involves providing medical care for people, for example a doctor or dentist.

herbalist noun
someone who grows, sells, or prepares herbs for use in medicine or who treats ill people with herbal medicines.

houseman noun
British a junior doctor who works in a hospital. The American word is intern ..

house officer noun
British someone who has recently gained a qualification as a doctor and is working in a hospital while continuing their training.

intern noun
American a houseman.

internist noun
American a doctor who treats illnesses using internal medicine.

locum noun
British a doctor or priest who does the job of another doctor or priest temporarily, for example while the usual one is ill or on holiday.

medic noun
British informal a doctor or medical student.

medical practitioner noun
British formal a doctor.

MO noun
medical officer: a doctor in the army.

obstetrician noun
medical a doctor whose job is to check the health of pregnant women and help with the birth of their children.

occupational therapist noun
someone who uses the methods of occupational therapy to treat people who have been ill or injured.

ophthalmologist noun
medical a doctor who is an expert in illnesses of the eyes and who can perform operations on people’s eyes.

orthopaedist noun
medical a doctor whose job is to treat orthopaedic injuries or diseases.

an American spelling of orthopaedist.

osteopath noun
medical someone who is trained to practise osteopathy.

paediatrician noun
medical a doctor who deals with children and the medical treatment of their illnesses.

paramedic noun
medical someone who is trained to give medical treatment to people at the place where an accident has happened.

the American spelling of paediatrician.

physician noun
formal a doctor 1 .

physio noun
British informal a physiotherapist.

quack noun
informal a doctor who is not very good, or someone who cheats people by pretending to be a doctor.

quack noun
British informal, showing disapproval a doctor.

registrar noun
British a doctor in a hospital who has qualified and is training to be a consultant.

resident noun
American someone who has just received their licence as a doctor and is working in a hospital to continue their training.

sangoma noun
South African in South Africa, a person who cures people who have illnesses or injuries using plants and other traditional methods.

surgeon noun
a doctor who is trained to perform operations that involve cutting open someone’s body, usually in a hospital.

therapist noun
someone whose job is to help people with physical, mental, or emotional problems, using a particular type of therapy.

acupuncturist noun .

epidemiologist noun .

family practitioner noun .

oncologist noun .

pharmacologist noun .

podiatrist noun .

urologist noun .

total words = 56

See also:
                Medical and Health Care Qualifications
                Places Where People Receive Medical Care
                Rooms and Departments in Hospitals and Clinics
                Types of Nurse

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