
vendredi 15 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - The English Alphabet

The English Alphabet

a noun
the first letter of the English alphabet. A is a vowel

ABC noun
the letters of the English alphabet, or basic reading skills, especially when learned by young children.

aitch noun
the letter ‘h’, written as a word. To drop your aitches means to pronounce a word beginning with the letter ‘h’ without making the ‘h’ sound. 

b noun
the second letter of the English alphabet. B is a consonant

c noun
the third letter of the English alphabet. C is a consonant

d noun
the fourth letter of the English alphabet. D is a consonant

e noun
the fifth letter of the English alphabet. E is a vowel

f noun
the sixth letter of the English alphabet. F is a consonant

g noun
the seventh letter of the English alphabet. G is a consonant

h noun
the eighth letter of the English alphabet. H is a consonant

i noun
the ninth letter of the English alphabet. I is a vowel

j noun
the tenth letter of the English alphabet. J is a consonant

k noun
the 11th letter of the English alphabet. K is a consonant

l noun
the 12th letter of the English alphabet. L is a consonant

m noun
the 13th letter of the English alphabet. M is a consonant

n noun
the 14th letter of the English alphabet. N is a consonant

o noun
the 15th letter of the English alphabet. O is a vowel .

p noun
the 16th letter of the English alphabet. P is a consonant

q noun
the 17th letter of the English alphabet. Q is a consonant

r noun
the 18th letter of the English alphabet. R is a consonant

s noun
the 19th letter of the English alphabet. S is a consonant

t noun
the 20th letter of the English alphabet. T is a consonant

u noun
the 21st letter of the English alphabet. U is a vowel

v noun
the 22nd letter of the alphabet. V is a consonant

w noun
the 23rd letter of the English alphabet. W is a consonant

x noun
the 24th letter of the English alphabet. X is a consonant. 

y noun
the 25th letter of the English alphabet. Y is a consonant. 

z noun
the 26th and last letter of the English alphabet. Z is a consonant. 

zed noun
the letter ‘Z’ in British English, used for showing how it is pronounced.

zee noun
the letter ‘Z’ in American English, used for showing how it is pronounced.

total words = 30

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