
vendredi 15 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Informal Ways of Writing Words

Informal Ways of Writing Words

deejay noun
an informal way of writing ‘DJ’ that shows how it sounds.

dunno short form
a way of writing ‘don’t know’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

gimme short form
informal a way of writing ‘give me’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

gonna short form
a way of writing ‘going to’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

gotta short form
a way of writing ‘got to’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

spoken a way of writing ‘let me’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

lotta short form
very informal a way of writing ‘lot of’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

a spelling of ‘night’ that is often used in advertisements and on signs.

outta short form
a way of writing ‘out of’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

tho’ short form
an informal way of writing ‘though’.

thro’ short form
an informal way of writing ‘through’.

thru adverb, preposition
an informal way of writing ‘through’ This is sometimes used in newspapers and very informal American writing, but it is not generally accepted in British English.

a one helluva
used for emphasizing what you are saying.

informal a humorous way of spelling ‘was’.

total words = 14

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