
dimanche 17 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Road Vehicles Other Than Cars

Road Vehicles Other Than Cars I

4×4 noun
a four-wheel drive vehicle.

4WD abbreviation
a four-wheel drive vehicle.

all-terrain vehicle noun
a vehicle with no roof, three or four wheels, and usually only one seat, used for driving over rough, soft, or wet ground.

ambulance noun
a vehicle for taking people to hospital.

ATV noun
an all-terrain vehicle.

bakkie noun
South African a pickup truck.

Black Maria noun
British informal old-fashioned a vehicle used by the police for carrying prisoners.

breakdown truck noun
British a truck used for pulling away another vehicle that has stopped working.

bus noun
a large road vehicle with a lot of seats that you pay to travel on, especially one that takes you fairly short distances and stops frequently.

bus noun
mainly American a coach.

camper noun
a camper van.

camper van noun
British a motor vehicle used for living in on holidays It is smaller than a caravan ..

caravan noun
British a vehicle that people can live and travel in on holiday. Caravans are usually towed pulled by a car. The American word is trailer.

charabanc noun
British a type of bus used in the past for taking people on journeys for enjoyment.

Chelsea tractor noun
British humorous a name for a large four-wheel drive vehicle that people drive around towns and cities although it is more suitable for roads in the country.

coach noun
British a long comfortable vehicle for carrying a large number of passengers, especially on long journeys.

trademark British a type of road vehicle with beds and kitchen equipment etc in it.

double-decker noun
a bus that has both an upper and a lower level where people can sit.

dumper truck noun
British a truck with a large metal container that can be raised at the front end so that the material in it, such as sand or stones, falls out at the back end.

dump truck noun
American a dumper truck.

dustcart noun
British a truck with a large metal container for carrying waste materials from dustbins . The American word is garbage truck

earth mover noun
a large vehicle for digging holes and moving large quantities of earth.

fire engine noun
a large road vehicle that firefighters use for driving to a fire and carrying the equipment they need.

fire truck noun
American a fire engine.

flatbed noun
mainly American a truck or trailer with no roof or sides, used for carrying large or heavy goods.

float noun
a large vehicle decorated and driven as part of a parade.

four-by-four noun
a vehicle that has four-wheel drive.

four-wheel drive noun
a vehicle that has this system.

Greyhound Bus
trademark a type of bus that people use for travelling long distances in the US.

gritter noun
British a truck that spreads grit or salt on roads that have ice on them. The American word is sander .

heavy goods vehicle noun
British an hgv.

HGV noun
British heavy goods vehicle: a large truck.

horsebox noun
British a vehicle for horses to travel in, pulled by a car.

jeep noun
a car with no roof that can drive over all types of land and is often used as a military vehicle.

juggernaut noun
British a very large truck.

Land Rover
trademark a type of vehicle that can travel on roads and over rough ground, used especially by farmers.

limo noun
informal a limousine.

limousine noun
mainly American a small bus that takes people to and from airports.

lorry noun
British a truck 1 .

milk float noun
British a small truck used for delivering milk to people’s homes.

minibus noun
a small bus for about ten to fifteen people.

minivan noun
a small van with seats for about eight people.

motor home noun
a large road vehicle designed for living in while travelling.

moving van noun
American a removal van.

MPV noun
British multi-purpose vehicle: a vehicle that is larger than an ordinary car, used for carrying passengers or goods.

omnibus noun
an old word meaning a ‘bus’.

panel truck noun
American a small truck with an enclosed section for carrying goods.

people carrier noun
British an mpv.

pickup noun
a truck with an open back and low sides.

plough noun
a snow plough.

the American spelling of plough.

quad bike noun
British a vehicle with four big tyres that you sit on and control like a motorbike.

recovery vehicle noun
British a truck that removes vehicles that have been in an accident or have broken down stopped working.

recreational vehicle noun
American an rv.

removal van noun
British a large van or truck used for moving furniture from one property to another.

rig noun
American a large truck that consists of two parts, one for the engine and the driver and the other for carrying a load.

road train noun
Australian a very long vehicle consisting of a truck pulling several trailers , used for carrying goods.

RV noun
American recreational vehicle: a large road vehicle that you can live in.

single decker noun
British a bus that has only one level.

snow plough noun
a large vehicle that pushes snow off the road.

sport utility vehicle noun
an suv.

streetcar noun
American a tram 1 .

SUV noun
sport utility vehicle: a four-wheel drive a .

tanker noun
a large ship, truck, or plane that carries petrol or oil.

tow truck noun
American a breakdown truck.

tractor-trailer noun
American an articulated lorry.

trailer noun
American a caravan used as a permanent home.

trailer noun
American a caravan pulled by a car.

tram noun
British a long narrow vehicle that travels along metal tracks in the middle of a street and is used as public transport in some places.

tramcar noun
old-fashioned a tram.

trolley noun
American a tram.

trolley noun
a trolleybus.

trolleybus noun
a bus that operates using electric power from wires fixed above the road.

trolley car noun
American a trolley that runs on rails.

truck noun
a large road vehicle used for carrying goods.

ute noun
Australian informal a pickup truck.

utility noun
Australian a pickup truck.

van noun
a vehicle used for carrying goods. It is usually larger than a car and smaller than a truck, and the back part is enclosed, with no windows at the sides.

trademark American a large road vehicle used for sleeping in when you are travelling.

wrecker noun
American a vehicle used for moving damaged cars or other vehicles.

Total words = 80 // Words in the list = 40                             Road Vehicles OtherThan Cars II

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