
dimanche 17 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Road Vehicles Pulled by Horses

Road Vehicles Pulled by Horses

brougham noun
a vehicle used in the past, pulled by a horse
buggy noun
a light vehicle pulled by a horse
cab noun
a vehicle pulled by horses that was used in the past as a taxi
caravan noun
a vehicle that romanies live in, sometimes pulled by a horse
carriage noun
a vehicle with wheels that is pulled by horses, especially one used in the past before cars were invented
cart noun
a vehicle with four wheels and no roof that is pulled by a horse and is used for carrying things
chaise noun
in the past, a type of carriage with two wheels, pulled by a horse
chariot noun
a vehicle with two wheels and no roof that was pulled by horses in races and battles in ancient times. Someone who drove a chariot was called a charioteer .
coach noun
an old-fashioned vehicle that is pulled by horses
covered wagon noun
a vehicle pulled by horses that has a curved top like a tent, used in the past by people travelling across North America
dray noun
a type of cart pulled by a horse and used in the past for carrying barrels of beer
gig noun
a vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse, used in the past
hansom noun
a covered vehicle with two wheels pulled by a horse, used in the past as a taxi
horse-drawn adjective
pulled by a horse or by several horses
landau noun
a type of carriage vehicle pulled by horses , with a top part that can be open or closed
pair noun
old-fashioned two horses or other animals used for pulling a vehicle
stage noun
informal a stagecoach
stagecoach noun
a vehicle pulled by horses, used in the past for carrying people, letters, and goods
surrey noun
a small vehicle pulled by a horse, used in the past
trap noun
a type of carriage pulled by a horse
troika noun
a Russian vehicle pulled by three horses walking next to each other
wagon noun
a vehicle with four wheels that is usually pulled by horses and is used for carrying heavy loads
wagon train noun
a long line of wagons that carried people west across North America in the 19th century

total words = 23

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