
mercredi 6 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - To Pay, or to Not Pay Money You Owe

To Pay, or to Not Pay Money You Owe

a British spelling of amortize.

amortize verb
business to pay back money that you owe by making payments at regular times.

clear verb
to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from.

default verb
to fail to pay money that you owe.

discharge verb
formal to pay what you owe to someone.

discharge noun
formal the payment of money that you owe.

forgive verb
economics if a country or bank forgives a debt , they decide that the debt does not have to be paid back.

incur verb
to lose money, owe money, or have to pay money as a result of doing something.

liquidate verb
to pay money that you owe.

liquidation noun
business the payment of money that is owed.

liquidity noun
business a situation in which a business has money or property that it can sell in order to pay money that it owes.

overpay verb
to pay more money than you owe.

pay back
to give someone the same amount of money that you borrowed from them.

pay up
to pay money that you owe, especially when you are unwilling to pay.

pay off
to give someone all the money that you have borrowed from them to buy something.

pay verb
to give a company, institution etc money that you owe them.

redeem verb
to give all the money that you have borrowed to the person who you borrowed it from.

repay verb
to give someone money that you have borrowed from them.

repayment noun
the process of paying someone money that you have borrowed from them.

repayment noun
an amount of money that you pay to the person, bank etc that you have borrowed it from.

reschedule verb
business to arrange to pay back money that you owe at a date that is later than originally agreed.

service verb
business to pay interest on money that you have borrowed from someone.

settle up
to pay all of an amount of money that you owe to a particular person or company.

settle verb
to pay all the money that you owe to a particular person or company.

spread verb
to divide an amount of money that you owe into parts and pay it in several instalments instead of all at one time.

square up
if two people square up, one pays what they owe so that both people are equal.

work off
to pay someone what you owe them by doing a job for them instead of giving them money.

amortization noun .

defaulter noun .

make good (on) a promise threat debt etc
to do or pay what you have said you would.

on account
if you buy something on account, you take it now and pay for it later.

on account
if you pay an amount of money on account, you pay part of what you owe now and you pay the rest later.

total words = 32

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