
mardi 5 juillet 2016

Reading Comprehension #10 - Elementary

Read the travel tips. Match the headings (1–5) with the paragraphs (B–F).

A:  I love travelling and one of the most interesting things about being in another country is the way we are all so different. It’s clear that the Chinese way of life will be very different from that of a Brazilian, but it’s amazing how many differences there are in countries which are closer to home.

B:  It’s always useful to do some research before you go travelling so you can avoid embarrassing situations. I’ve prepared some handy tips for anyone who is thinking of going to Bulgaria, one of the most beautiful countries in south-eastern Europe and a country where tourism isn’t as well developed as in other places.

C:  One of the most confusing experiences you can have is the simple ‘yes/no’! When you think the person you’re talking to is agreeing with you by nodding their head up and down, they are in fact disagreeing. If someone shakes their head from side to side that means ‘yes’. So remember, yes is no and no is yes! I can’t tell you how often I bought things I didn’t want in the market because I’d forgotten this simple difference.

D:  When you visit someone’s house you should always take your shoes off as a sign of respect. Your host will probably offer you a pair of house shoes to wear. If you are going for a meal, it is customary to take flowers or some wine and remember if you buy flowers, don’t take an even number (2, 4, 6, 8 etc.) as even numbers are for the dead. A Bulgarian meal can last many hours so it’s important to follow some simple rules if you don’t want to put on a lot of weight! If you finish everything on your plate, this is a sign that you are still hungry, so your host will give you more food. Eat slowly and make sure you leave a little on your plate and then you’ll be fine!

E: As in any country, the local people are always so pleased if foreigners try to learn a few words of the language, so before you go, buy a phrase book and impress everyone with your knowledge! Although the written language uses the Cyrillic script, which you probably won’t be able to read, you’ll find that most people (especially the young) can now speak a little English.

F:  So, go and have a fabulous holiday and remember ‘when in Rome do as the Romans do’. I’m collecting information on customs around the world so would love to hear from anyone who has an interesting story to tell.

Match the headings (1–5) with the paragraphs (B–F).

1. Simple communication can be difficult.
2. Travellers’ tales.
3. Finding a common language.
4. Dos and don’ts.
5. The importance of planning.




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