Cheer up (Separable) = Animar, dar ánimos
Cheer = Animar Up =
up! =
The good news cheered us up = La Buena
noticia nos dió ánimos.
Anímalo = Cheer him up.
Me animan los payasos = Clowns cheer me up.
Anímalas = Cheer them up.
Anímanos = Cheer us up.
Nos animaron = They cheered us up.
Les animaron = We cheered them up.
Anímala = Cheer her up.
Ella se anima fácilmente = She
cheers up easily.
Me animo con facilidad = I cheer up
Ella tarda un poco
en animarse en las fiestas = She takes a while to cheer up at parties.
Las animadoras animan a la gente. = Cheerleaders cheer people up.
¿Te animó el chiste? = Did the joke
cheer you up?
¿Te animó? = Did it cheer you up?
El chiste no nos animó en lo
absoluto = The joke didn't cheer us up at all.
Animémos a los huéspedes = Let's cheer up the guests.
No los
animemos, estoy agotado = Let's not cheer them up, I'm exhausted.
Puede que
el chiste los anime = The joke might cheer them up.
deberías animarles = You shouldn't cheer them up.
animadado =
I'm cheered up.
animarse =
They must cheer up.
Anímate es tu cumpleaños = Cheer up it's your birthday.
La música blues me anima = Blues
music cheer me up.
A veces los payasos me animan = Clowns sometimes cheer me up.
¡Venga, anímate! = Come on, cheer
Una animadora solo quiere animar a
la gente = A cheerleader only wants to
cheer people up.
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