back (Inseparable)
= Tenemos tres definiciones
*Volver o regresar a un sitio propio/de origen.
un problema, situación o condición sur je de nuevo.
Come = Venir Back
= Atrás
Come back
whenever you want = Vuelve cuando quieras.
I came back to Spain =
Regresé a España.
The pain has come back = Ha vuelto el dolor.
The team made a come
back = El equipo remontó.
Vuelve = Come back.
Vuelve, te necesito = Come back, I need you.
Ha surgido de nuevo = It has come back again.
Siempre vuelven = They always come back.
Acabo de volver de
París = I've just come back from Paris.
¿Cuándo vuelves de tu viaje? = When do you come back from your trip?
¿Quieres volver a casa?
= Do you want to come back home?
Mi novia ha vuelto
conmigo = My girlfriend has come back
with me.
Los pantalones anchos
vuelven a estar de moda = Bell-bottoms
have made a come back.
Se han vuelto a poner de moda = They've come back.
Seguro que regresan
tarde = I'm sure they'll come back
Volviendo al tema = Coming back to the subject.
Ha vuelto el mal tiempo
= Bad weather has come back.
Volved cuando queráis = Come back whenever you want.
Volví tarde, como siempre = I carne back late as usual.
Espero que no vuelva el acné = I hope that my acne doesn't come back.
Puede que vuelva un día de estos = It may come back one of these days.
Deberías volver, es urgente = You should come back, it's urgent.
Prefiero que no vuelvas
= I'd rather you didn't come back.
Debes regresar, se hace
tarde = You must come back, it's
getting late.
Espero que no se ponga de moda el disco = I hope disco doesn't come back.
Las mallas se están poniendo de moda otra vez = Leg warmers are coming back.
Mi gato siempre vuelve a casa = My cat always comes back.
Vuelve a casa
para comer = Come back home to
Estoy volviendo a
recordarlo todo = Everything is coming
back to me now.
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