Figure out
(Separable) = Tenemos dos
*Encontrar la solución
de algo mediante la lógica.
*Adivinar una cosa que requiere
Figure = Figurar Out = Fuera
I figured
out the problem after reading the instruction manual= Solucioné el problema
tras leer el manual de instrucciones.
I figured out the problem = Adiviné el problema.
Figure it out = Adivínalo.
Adivínalo = Figure it out.
Adivínalos = Figure them out.
Tenemos que solucionarlo con la calculadora = We have to figure it out with a calculator.
Él no lo puede adivinar = He can't figure it out.
Ella lo adivinó sin ningún
problema = She figured it out without any problem.
Lo solucionamos = We
figure it out.
Me parece que he entendido cómo funciona = I think that I figured it out.
No entiendo = I can't figure it out.
No me explico por qué lo hizo =
I can't figure out why he did it.
Soluciónalo con el manual = Figure it out with the manual.
No es facil de solucionar =
It's not easy to figure out.
Hazlo tú mismo = Figure it out yourself.
¿Como lo solucionaste? =
How did you figure it out?
¿Por qué no lo pudiste adivinar? = Why couldn't you figure it out?
Solucionalos = Figure
them out.
Solucionalo = Figure it
Puede que lo adivine = I
might figure out.
Soluciona el puzzle con paciencia = Figure out the puzzle with patience.
Debo solucionarlo = I must figure it out.
¿lo solucionarás? = Will you figure it out?
¿Por qué no lo solucionas? =
Why don’t you figure it out.
Es muy fácil de resolver = It’s easy to digure
Es complicado de solucionar = It’s difficult to figure out.
Hazlo tú, si puedes =
Figure it out if you can.
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