Give up (Separable) = Rendirse, darse por vencido.
Give = Dar Up = Arriba
I give up, I’ll never finish
this book = Me rindo, nunca terminaré este libro.
it up, you’ll never finish = Déjalo, nunca lo terminarás.
If you give up you’ll regret it
later = Si te rindes lo lamentarás luego.
Ríndete = Giv eup.
Rindanse = Give up.
Lo dejé = I gave it up.
Se rindieron = They gave up.
¿Por qué te rendiste? = Why did you give up?
Lo dejó = He gave it up.
Él dejó la música = He gave up music.
Lo dejo = I gave it up.
Voy a dejar de fumer = I’m going to give up
No pude más = I gave up.
Déjalo, no vas a poder hacerlo = Give it up,
you won’t be able to do it.
Tengo que dejar el Tabaco = I have to give up
¿Por qué lo dejaron? = Why did they give it
¿Por qué no lo dejaste? =
Why didn’t you give it up?
Rindámonos = Let’s give up.
Que se rindan = They have to give up.
Puede que se rindan = They may give up.
Deberían dejarlo =
They must give up.
Prefiero rendirme = I'd rather give up.
No debemos rendirnos todavía = We shouldn’t give up yet.
Lo tienes que
sacrificar = You have to give it up.
El cedió su puesto =
He gave up his position.
¡No vas a abandonar
la lucha ahora! = You are not going to give
up now.
No me vayas a fallar ahora = You aren't going to give up on me now.
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