Take out (of)
(Separable) = Tenemos dos definiciones.
a alguien en plan de cita social, ligue, etc.
algo de alguna parte (of); lo opuesto de put in.
Take = Llevar Out
= Fuera
Paco took Ana out of the cinema = Paco llevó a Ana al
Take the fruit out of the bag = Saca la
fruta de la bolsa.
Take it out of the bag = Sácalo
de la bolsa.
Saca el triángulo del maletero = Take the
triangle out of the trunk.
Sácalo = Take it out.
LLeva tu novia al cine = Take your girlfriend
out to the movies.
Llévala = Take her out.
Llévala al restaurante italiano = Take her out
to the Italian restaurant.
Saca el martillo de la caja de
herramientas = Take the hammer out of the tool-box.
Sácalo = Take it out.
Saca el más grande que haya = Take out the
biggest one there is.
Saca el abridor del cajón = Take the opener out
of the drawer.
No la quiso llevar a ningún sitio = He didn’t
want to take her out anywhere.
Al final la llevo al futbol = He finally took
her out to the football match.
Sac alas manos de tus bolsillos = Take your
hands out of your pockets.
Saca las manos de ahí = Take your hand out of
Sácalas de ahí = Take them out of there.
Saca la mano izquierda = Only take out your
left hand.
Ahora, saca la derecha = Now, take out the
right one.
Saca tus cosas de mi cajón = Take your things
out of my drawer.
Los sacaremos en helicóptero = We will take
hi out by helicopter.
Jhon Wayne sacó una pistola = John Wayne took
out a gun.
La sacó de la funda = He took it out of the
Me gustaría invitarla a salir = I’d like to
take her out.
Nunca me llevas a ningún lado =
You never take me out anywhere.
Nunca nos sacas a ningún lado =
You never take uso ut anywhere.
Sácalo de la bolsa = Take it out of the bag.
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