
jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Call Off

Call off (Separable) = Cancelar/suspender algo.
Call = Llamar Off = Apagado
We are going to call off the meeting = Creo que vamos a suspender la reunion.
We should call it off. = Deberíamos suspenderla.
Cancélalo = Call if off.
Cancélalos = Call them off.
Cancela la reunión = Call the meeting off.
Suspéndelos = Call them off.
Cancelaron la función = They called off the play.
No cancelaron el partido. = They didn't call off the game.
Suspéndelo = Call it off.
Suspendieron la manifestación. = They called of the protest.
Siempre suspenden la clase = They always call off the class.
Nunca cancelan esas reuniones = They never call those meetings off.
Él canceló el proyecto. = He called off the project.
Suspendieron el concierto = They called off the concert.
¿Lo cancelaste? = Did you call it off?
¿Quién lo canceló? = Who called it off?
Cancelémoslo = Let's call it off.
Cancelemos la reunión = Let's call the meeting off.
Puede que lo cancelemos = We might call if off.
Deberíamos cancelarlo = We should call it off.
Preferiría suspenderlo = I'd rather call it off.
Debemos cancelarlo = We must call if off.
¿Lo suspenderán? = Will they call if off?
No Io pueden cancelar = They can't call it off.
¿Lo vas a cancelar? = Are you going to call it off?
Los van a cancelar = They are going to call them off.
Cancela todo = Call the whole thing off.

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