
jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Call / Phone Up

Call / Phone up (Separable) = Telefonear o llamar por teléfono.
Call/Phone = Llamar Up = Arriba

I phoned up my sister yesterday = Llamé a mi hermana ayer.
I have to call her up = La tengo que llamar.
Llámame = Call me up.
Llámala = Call her up.
Llámale = Call him up.
Llámalas = Call them up.
Llama a Telefónica = Call Telefónica up.
Llamó a su esposa = He called up his wife.
Él suele llamarlos = He usually calls them up.
Ella nunca lo llama al trabajo = She never calls him up at work.
Llama al casero = Call up the landlord.
Llama al hotel = Call up the hotel.
Llama a recepción = Call up reception.
Llámalos mañana = Call them up tomorrow.
¿Las llamaste? = Did you call them up?
¿Por qué no los llamaste? = Why didn't you call them up?
Llamémoslos mañana = Let's call them up tomorrow.
Llamémoslos ahora mismo = Let's call them up right now.
Puede que te llame mañana = I might call you up tomorrow.
Ella debería llamarlos = She should call them up.
Preferiría llamarlas yo mismo = I'd rather call them up myself.
Debo llamarlas = I must call them up.
¿Las llamarás? = Will you call them up?
¿No las llamarás? = Won't you call them up?
¿Vas a llamar a tu amigo? = Are you going to call up your friend.
¿No lo vas a llamar? = Aren't you going to call them up?
Llámanos cuando quieras = Call us up whenever you want.

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