
samedi 20 octobre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Find out

Find out (Separable) = Enterarse de algo
                               Find = Encontrar Out = Fuera


I found out this morning why Maria didn't want to come = Me enteré esta mañana de porqué María no quiso venir.
Why don’t you find out what happened? = ¿Por qué no te enteras de lo que ocurrió?
I found out today = Me enteré hoy.
Me enteré hoy = I found out today.
Él no se enteró hasta tarde = He didn't find out until later.
Me enteré de ello ayer = I found it out yesterday.
No me he enterado hasta hoy = I didn't find out until today.
Se enteraron de que habían sido engañados = They found out that they had been tricked.
Se han ido a averiguar a qué hora llega el vuelo = They went to find out what time the flight comes in.
Infórmese llamando a nuestro servicio de información = Find out by calling our information number.
Esperemos enterarnos pronto = We hope to find out soon.
No me quiero enterar = I don't want to find out.
Tenía miedo de que se enterasen = I was afraid that they would find out.
Se descubrirá pronto = It'll be found out soon.
Ya te enterarás = You'll find out.
No me enteré = I didn't find out.
Mis padres se enteraron ayer = My parents found out yesterday.
Descubrieron que había faltado al colegio = They found out I was skipping school.
Tendrás que averiguarlo por tus propios medios = You'll have to find out on your own.
Llamé para preguntar sobre vuelos a Bruselas = I called to find out about flights to Brussels.
Infórmate = Find out.
Preferiría no enterarme = I'd rather not find out.
Debo enterarme = I must find out.
Se enterarán, ya verás = They'll find, you'll see.
Se van a enterar = They're going to find out.
Me enteré esta mañana = I found out this morning.
¿Cómo se van a enterar? = How are they going to find out?
Cuando se enteren, somos hombres muertos = if they find out, we're dead.

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