
lundi 5 novembre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Hang on

Hang on (Inseparable) = Tenemos dos definiciones
                               *Colgar cosas sobre una superficie, pared o puerta.
                               *Aguantar/ Esperar.
                               Hang = Colgar   On = Encima/Sobre

I’m going to hang the poster on the wwall = Voy a colgar el poster en la pared.
Hang it on the wall = Ponlo en la pared.
Hang on, the firemen are coming! = ¡Esperen, aquí vienen los bomberos!
Aguanta = Hang on.
Aguanta un minuto = Hang on a minute.
Dile a él que aguanté = Tell him to hang on.
Cuélgalo en la pared = Hang it on the wall.
Aguantamos hasta el final = We hung on until the end.
Sostén esta punta de la cuerda = Hang on to the end of this rope.
Diles que aguanten = Tell them to hang on.
¡Aguanta que vienen los bomberos! = Hang on the fireman are coming!
Espera = Hang on.
Cuélgalos en la pared = Hang them on the wall.
jAguanta que viene la policía! = Hang on the police are coming.
Guarda el recibo = Hang on the receipt.
¡Aguanta que viene la ambulancia! = Hang on the ambulance is coming.
Aguanta un día más = Hang on one more day.
Dile a ella que aguante un poco = Tell her to hang on a little bit.
¿Dónde está el baño? ¡Ya no aguanto más! = Where's the bathroom? I can't hang on anymore!
Espere un momento, voy a buscar un lápiz. = Hang on a moment, I'm going to look for a pen.
Agárrate fuerte, que si no te caerás = Hang on tight, if not you'll fall.
Ella me tenía agarrada del brazo = She's hanging on to my arm.
Cuélgalo en el perchero = Hang it on the coat hanger.
Podemos aguantar otro mes = We can hang on another month.
Deberíamos resistir otro mes = We should hang on for another month.
Preferiría esperar hasta mañana = I'd rather hang on until tomorrow.
Debemos aguantar = We must hang on.
¿Vas a poder aguantar? = Are you going to be able to hang on.

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