
dimanche 9 décembre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Take care (of)

Take care (of) (Inseparable) = Cuidar
                               Take = Tomar    Care = Cuidado


Take care of my plants while I’m out = Cuida de mis plantas mientras esté fuera.
Take care of her = Cuídala
Take care = Cuídate.
Cuida de mi tía = Take care of my aunt.
Cuida del bebé = Take care of the baby.
Cuídanos = Take care of us.
Cuídales = Take care of them.
Cuida de tus cosas = Take care of your things.
Él se hizo cargo del problema = He took care of the problem.
Nos hicimos cargo del problema = We took care of the problema.
Nos nos hicimos cargo (de ello) = We didn’t take care of it.
Cuida de tu coche nuevo = Take care of your new car.
Cuídale que no se pierda = Take care it, don’t lose it.
Cuida tus canicas = Take care of your marbles.
Cuídalas = Take care of them.
¿Por qué no las cuidaste? = Why didn’t you take care of them.
Resolvamos el problema = Let’s take care of the problem.
Hazte cargo tú del problema = Take care of the problem.
Puede que no nos cuiden muy bien = They might not take care of us well.
¿Me las podrías cuidar? = Could you take care of them for me?
Te pagaré si me las cuidas = I’ll pay you if you take care of them.
Yo me encargo del problema = I’ll take care of the problem.
Yo me encargo = I’ll take care.
Cuida de tus cosas = Take care of your things.

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