
lundi 17 décembre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Turn on

Turn on (Separable) = Tenemos dos definiciones.
                               *Encender algo que tenga interruptor.
                               *Exitar a alguien.
                               Turn = Girar          On = Encendido


Turn on the radio = Enciende la radio.
Turn it on = Enciéndelo.
She turns me on = Ella me pone.
Enciende el móvil = Turn on the mobile phone.
Enciéndelo = Turn it on.
Enciende la tele = Turn on the TV.
No la encendieron = They didn’t turn it on.
Estamos perdidos enciende el GPS = We’re lost, turn on the GPS.
Enciéndelo = Turn it on.
Las estás excitando = You’re turning her on.
El me pone = He turns me on.
Me gustan ese tipo de cosas = those types of things turn me on.
Pon la radio = Turn on the radio.
Enciéndela = Switch it on.
Gíralo hacia la derecha para encenderlo = Turn it to the right to turn it on.
Conseguí despertarles el interés por la música = I managed to turn them onto music.
Se enciende automáticamente = It turns on automatically.
No tienes que encenderlo = You don’t have to turn it on.
El perro se echó encima a su dueño = the dog turned on his owner.
La emprendió contra sus compañeros = He turned on against his colleagues.
Se puso en contra de ellos = He turned on them.
Si lo enciendo, me quedo sin batería = If it turn it on, I’ll run out of batteries.
No me excitan los tatuajes = Tattoos don’t turn me on.
A ella tampoco le excitan = It doesn’t turn her on either.

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