
mardi 19 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Determiners


a determiner
used when you are mentioning a person or a thing for the first time, or when the person listening to you does not already know about them.

a determiner
used before a person’s name when you do not know anything about them.

a determiner
used when you mean any person or thing of a particular type, but you are not referring to a specific one.

a determiner
used when you say what class, type, or group someone or something belongs to, or what job someone has.

a determiner
used before a family name to mean a member of that family.

a determiner
used before a singular noun that represents every person or thing of a particular type.

a determiner
used before the name of a famous person to mean someone else with similar abilities, a similar appearance, or a similar character.

a determiner
used when you are referring to a person or thing as one of several people or things of this type.

a determiner
used in expressions of quantity such as ‘a lot’, ‘a few’, or ‘a great deal’.

a determiner
used in numbers and measurements to mean ‘one’, as in ‘a thousand’ or ‘an hour’.

a determiner
used in phrases showing how much something costs, how often it happens, how fast it goes etc.

a determiner
used before a noun that means a substance, product, food etc when referring to a particular type of it.

a determiner
used before the name of some drinks to mean a cup or glass of that drink.

a determiner
used before a noun that means a particular quality or feeling when the quality or feeling is described in some way.

a determiner
used before a noun that is formed from a verb and means a single action of that verb.

a determiner
used before a noun that expresses your feelings about a situation.

a determiner
used before the name of a particular day, season, or holiday to mean one particular Tuesday, summer, Christmas etc.

an determiner
used instead of ‘a’ when the next word begins with a vowel sound.

baker’s dozen noun
old-fashioned 13 of something.

certain determiner
used for referring to someone or something without being specific about exactly what or who they are.

certain determiner
spoken used for referring to someone or something without saying their name, when you know that the person you are talking to knows who or what you are referring to.

determiner noun
linguistics a word used before a noun for showing which thing or things you are talking about. The words ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘this’, ‘some’, and ‘every’ are determiners.

double determiner
twice as much, or twice as many.

dozen determiner
a set of 12 things or people.

dozen determiner
a set of about 12 things or people.

dozens determiner
lots of things or people.

every determiner
used for referring to all the people or things of a particular type or in a particular group, or all the parts of something.

every determiner
used for showing how often something happens or how far apart things are, especially when there is a regular time or distance between them.

every determiner
used for showing how common something is by giving a number as a part of a larger number.

every determiner
used before some words for emphasis.

its determiner
belonging or relating to a thing, idea, place, animal etc when it has already been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to.

its determiner
belonging or relating to a baby or very young child when it has been mentioned or when it is obvious which one you are referring to.

mine determiner
an old word meaning ‘my’.

my determiner, interjection
used for showing that something belongs to or is connected with you when you are the person speaking or writing.

other determiner, pronoun
used for referring to additional people or things of the type already mentioned or known about.

other determiner, pronoun
used for referring to a different person or thing from the one already mentioned or known about.

other determiner, pronoun
used when there are two things or people for referring to the one that has not already been mentioned or is not already known about.

other determiner, pronoun
used for referring to the rest of the people or things in a group.

other determiner, pronoun
used for referring to people in a general way when you are not including yourself as one of them.

our determiner
belonging to or connected with you and the group that you are a part of, when you are the person speaking or writing.

our determiner
spoken sometimes used by people when referring to a member of their family by name.

such determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
of the type that is being mentioned.

such determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
used for saying that a particular type of situation, behaviour, action etc causes the result that you are mentioning.

such determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
used for emphasizing a quality in someone or something, or for saying that something is unusual.

such determiner, predeterminer, pronoun
used for emphasizing a particular quality in something or someone by stating its result.

the determiner
used when you are referring to a particular thing or person that has already been mentioned or is already known about.

the determiner
used when referring to parts of the body.

the determiner
used before the names of seas, rivers, deserts, or groups of mountains.

the determiner
used before an adjective to form a plural noun when you are referring to people of a particular type or people from a particular country.

the determiner
used when it is obvious which one you are referring to because there is only one.

the determiner
used before a singular noun when making a general statement about people or things of a particular type.

the determiner
used before a plural name when you are referring to members of a particular family.

the determiner
used when you are referring to familiar things that people deal with regularly.

the determiner
used when referring to a part of a particular thing.

the determiner
used before dates or periods of time.

the determiner
used when explaining which person or thing you are referring to.

the determiner
used before a noun that refers to an action, especially when it is followed by ‘of’.

the determiner
used before an adjective to form a noun when you are referring to the type of thing that is described by the adjective.

the determiner
used before superlative adjectives and words such as ‘first’, ‘second’, ‘next’, and ‘last’.

the determiner
used when saying whether there is enough of something for a particular purpose.

the determiner
used when you are saying what type of musical instrument someone plays.

the determiner
used when a particular person, thing, or place that you are referring to is the famous one, or is the best or most fashionable.

the determiner
used before the name of a dish when ordering food, especially in an expensive restaurant.

their determiner
belonging to or relating to a particular group of people or things that have already been mentioned or when it is obvious which ones you are referring to.

their determiner
mainly spoken used instead of ‘his or her’, especially when you are referring back to a word such as ‘everyone’, ‘someone’, or ‘anyone’ Many people consider this use incorrect.

thy determiner
an old word meaning ‘your’ that was used for talking or writing to one person.

treble determiner
something that is treble the number or amount of another thing is three times greater than it.

twice determiner
two times the amount or rate of something.

whose determiner, pronoun
used for asking who someone or something belongs to or who they are connected with.

whose determiner, pronoun
used for showing that someone or something belongs to or is connected with the person or thing that you have just mentioned.

whose determiner, pronoun
used when someone knows or says who someone or something belongs to or who they are connected with.

wot determiner, pronoun
British informal a way of writing ‘what’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

ye determiner
used instead of ‘the’, especially in the names of pubs and restaurants so that they will sound old or interesting.

yer determiner
a way of writing ‘your’ that shows how it sounds in informal conversation.

your determiner
used for showing that something belongs to or is connected with the person or people you are talking or writing to.

your determiner
used for showing that something belongs to or is connected with people in general.

your determiner
informal used for showing that something is a typical or normal example of its type.

a certain
some, but not very much.

a certain
used for talking about someone when you know their name but nothing else about them.

every last
used for emphasizing that you are referring to all of the people or things in a group.

one or other
British one of two people or things, when it does not matter which you are referring to.

someone something somewhere etc or other
used when you are not saying exactly which person thing place etc you mean.

such as
used for introducing more examples of the type of person or thing that you have just mentioned

total words = 83

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