
mardi 19 février 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Prepositions


aboard adverb, preposition
into an organization, group, company etc.

against preposition
used for stating who is harmed or affected by something.

against preposition
used for stating who someone dislikes or feels angry towards.

against preposition
used for stating what is causing harm or affecting someone or something.

amid preposition
if something happens amid particular feelings or events, it happens while people have these feelings or while these events are happening.

amid preposition
if something happens amid noise, shouting, laughter etc, it happens while there is a lot of noise etc all around.

among preposition
used for saying what happens within a particular group of people.

among preposition
used when you are mentioning a particular person or thing in relation to the rest of the group they belong to.

among preposition
used for saying that many people in a group have a particular opinion or feeling.

at preposition
in a particular place.

at preposition
used for saying that someone is doing something or taking part in an activity somewhere.

at preposition
used for saying where you stop on a journey.

at preposition
used for stating what state or situation someone or something is in.

at preposition
in a particular part of a process, activity, programme, or book.

at preposition
used for stating what makes someone react in a particular way.

at preposition
used for showing the level of prices, temperatures, speeds etc.

at preposition
used for stating what someone is trying to catch, hold, or hit.

at preposition
used for showing that you repeat an action many times with small movements but without doing it completely.

at preposition
used for stating the activity or subject that someone is skilful or not skilful in.

barring preposition
unless the thing mentioned happens or exists.

cum preposition
used between two words that describe two qualities or uses that someone or something has.

failing preposition
used for saying that if one thing is not suitable or possible, then there is something else that you can try.

from preposition
used for stating who gives or sends you something or provides you with something.

from preposition
used for stating the place where someone lives or used to live, or their general situation in life

from preposition
used for stating an amount that is reduced by having part of it taken away.

from preposition
used for giving the reason for a judgment or opinion.

from preposition
used for stating the place where something was made.

from preposition
starting at a particular age and continuing.

from preposition
used for stating what something was originally a part of.

from preposition
starting at one amount and increasing or becoming less.

from preposition
used for stating one end of a range of things.

from preposition
used for stating where someone is when they see, hear, or do something.

from preposition
used for stating what substance has been used for making something.

from preposition
used for stating what someone or something was before changing to something else.

from preposition
used for stating what has been prevented or protected against.

from preposition
used for talking about differences between two or more people or things.

into preposition
used for stating what someone or something becomes after a change.

into preposition
used for stating what bad situation someone starts to become involved in.

into preposition
used when dividing one number by another.

into preposition
used for stating what physical or emotional state someone starts to be in.

into preposition
starting to take part in an activity or type of work.

into preposition
arriving somewhere.

into preposition
used for stating what you are trying to find out about.

into preposition
used for stating what someone persuades or forces you to do.

into preposition
used for stating what substance another substance gets mixed with.

into preposition
used for stating what group or organization someone becomes a member of.

into preposition
used for stating how something is divided.

of preposition
used for saying who or what has a particular feature, aspect, or quality.

of preposition
used for saying which specific thing belonging to a more general type you are referring to.

of preposition
used after nouns that refer to actions for saying who or what does the action.

of preposition
used for saying what something contains.

of preposition
used for giving a specific age, amount, value etc.

of preposition
used after nouns that refer to actions for saying who or what is affected by the action.

of preposition
used for saying what type of thing is in a particular quantity or group.

of preposition
used for talking about individual pieces of a substance.

of preposition
used for saying who something belongs to.

of preposition
used for saying what group a particular person or thing is from.

of preposition
used for saying what something is part of.

of preposition
used for saying what substance is used for making something.

of preposition
used after some adjectives for saying a person or thing that a feeling is directed towards.

of preposition
used for saying what type of person or thing has been described by another noun.

of preposition
used for saying which person behaves in a particular way in a situation.

of preposition
used for saying what causes something.

of preposition
used for mentioning a quality that someone or something has.

of preposition
used for saying who has a particular relationship with someone else.

onto preposition
used for saying that something is added to a list, statement, word etc.

pace preposition
formal used before someone’s name for saying politely that you disagree with their opinion about a subject.

pending preposition
formal while waiting for something to be dealt with, settled, or completed.

per preposition
used for stating the rate or cost for each unit of time, quantity, distance etc.

prep. abbreviation
linguistics preposition.

preposition noun
linguistics a word that usually comes before a noun or a pronoun and shows its relation to another part of the sentence. In the sentences ‘I left it on the table’ and ‘She came out of the house’, the words ‘on’ and ‘out of’ are prepositions..

qua preposition
formal as used for describing the character or position of someone or something in a particular situation.

thru adverb, preposition
an informal way of writing ‘through’ This is sometimes used in newspapers and very informal American writing, but it is not generally accepted in British English ..

towards preposition
used when saying how you feel about someone or something or how you treat them.

towards preposition
used for showing how a process is developing in a way that will produce a particular result.

towards preposition
in order to help to pay for something.

unto preposition
an old word meaning ‘to’.

upon preposition
formal used after some verbs with the same meaning as ‘on’.

upon preposition
used between two nouns that are the same for emphasizing that there is a large number of the thing that you are mentioning.

with preposition
if one person or thing is with another or does something with them, they are together or they do it together.

with preposition
used for saying what possessions, qualities, or features someone or something has.

with preposition
used for saying what feeling causes someone to react in a particular way.

with preposition
used for saying the qualities that someone shows or the feelings that they have when they do something.

with preposition
developing or improving as a result of something.

with preposition
used for saying what someone is holding or carrying.

with preposition
used for saying what causes someone or something to be in a particular state.

with preposition
used for saying what sound or expression someone or something makes when they do something.

with preposition
used for saying what is used for doing something.

with preposition
used for saying what event makes something possible.

with preposition
used for saying what person or thing you have a particular feeling towards.

with preposition
used for saying how something starts, continues, or ends.

with preposition
used for saying what is in or on something, for example what fills or covers it.

with preposition
used for saying what a particular action or problem is related to.

with preposition
used for saying what people, countries etc someone behaves towards in a particular way.

prepositional adjective
among yourselves ourselves themselves
with each other

total words = 96

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