
mardi 19 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Rooms and Departments in Hospitals and Clinics

Rooms and Departments in Hospitals and Clinics

A&E noun
British the accident and emergency department of a hospital.

casualty noun
British the part of a hospital where people go when they are injured or suddenly become ill. The official name for this is Accident and Emergency . The American word is emergency room.

consulting room noun
British a room where a doctor examines a patient and discusses their medical problems with them.

day room noun
a room in a hospital where patients can go during the day to watch television, read, or talk.

delivery room noun
a room in a hospital where women give birth.

dispensary noun
a place in a hospital where you can get medicines and drugs.

emergency department noun
Australian the part of a hospital where people go when they are injured or suddenly become ill.

emergency room noun
American a&e .

ER noun
American emergency room: the A&E in a hospital.

high dependency unit noun
medical the department of a hospital for people who are very ill or badly injured, but need less care than people in intensive care.

housekeeping noun
the department of a hotel or hospital that is responsible for cleaning rooms.

ICU noun
an intensive care unit in a hospital.

intensive care noun
the department of a hospital for people who are so ill or badly injured that they need to have special medical care and be watched very closely.

maternity ward noun
the part of a hospital where pregnant women or women who have just given birth to babies are looked after.

nursery noun
an area in a hospital where new babies are looked after until they go home.

operating room noun
American an operating theatre.

operating theatre noun
a room in a hospital where doctors perform medical operations.

padded cell noun
a room in a hospital for mentally ill people, with soft material on the walls so that they cannot hurt themselves.

pharmacy noun
the part of a shop or hospital where medicines are prepared.

sickroom noun
a room where someone who is ill rests or gets medical treatment.

surgery noun
a room in a hospital where doctors do surgery.

theatre noun
British a room in a hospital used for medical operations. The American word is operating room.

unit noun
a department of an institution, especially a hospital, that has a particular purpose.

ward noun
a large room in a hospital with beds for people to stay in.

total words = 24

See also:
                Doctors and other Medical and Health Specialists
                Medical and Health Care Qualifications
                Places Where People Receive Medical Care
                Types of Nurse

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