
mardi 19 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulario - Places Where People Receive Medical Care

Places Where People Receive Medical Care

asylum noun
old-fashioned a mental hospital a hospital for people with mental illnesses.

a special hospital in southern England for criminals who are mentally ill.

care home noun
a home for people who need continuous medical treatment or who are unable to look after themselves, especially people who are old or mentally ill.

clinic noun
a place where people go to receive a particular type of medical treatment or advice.

clinic noun
a private hospital where patients have to pay directly for their treatment.

cottage hospital noun
British a small local hospital that does not treat serious illnesses.

day care noun
British care given during the day to people who need special help, for example because they are old or disabled.

day centre noun
a place where care is given during the day to people who need special help, for example because they are old or disabled.

field hospital noun
a temporary hospital for injured soldiers near an area of fighting.

funny farm noun
offensive a hospital for people who are mentally ill.

general hospital noun
a hospital that can treat most people and that does not limit itself to one particular type of medical problem.

general practice noun
the place or organization where a doctor or lawyer in general practice works.

GP noun
general practice.

halfway house noun
a temporary place to live for people who have spent a long time somewhere such as a prison or psychiatric hospital.

health centre noun
British a building where people can go to see a doctor or nurse.

hospice noun
a hospital that looks after people who are dying.

hospital noun
a place where people stay when they are ill or injured and need a lot of care from doctors and nurses.

hospital noun
belonging to or connected with a hospital.

infirmary noun
a hospital this word is often used in the names of hospitals.

institution noun
a hospital or other building where people are looked after for a long time, for example if they are disabled or mentally ill.

loony bin noun
an offensive word for a hospital for mentally ill people.

lunatic asylum noun
old-fashioned an offensive word for a hospital where people with mental illnesses are treated, now called a psychiatric hospital.

madhouse noun
offensive an offensive word for a hospital for people with mental illnesses.

mental home noun
British old-fashioned a psychiatric hospital This word is now considered offensive ..

mental hospital noun
old-fashioned a psychiatric hospital This word is no longer considered polite ..

the Priory
a private hospital near London for people who want to get treatment for their mental problems, or their problems with drugs or alcohol. It is used by many rich and famous people..

psychiatric hospital noun
a hospital that treats people who have a mental illness.

sanatorium noun
a large building like a hospital where people who have had a serious illness go so that doctors can take care of them while they get better.

spa noun
a place with a natural supply of mineral water where people go because the water is considered to improve health.

surgery noun
British a place where people can visit a doctor or a dentist . The American word is office

teaching hospital noun
a hospital where students who are learning to be doctors are trained.

total words = 31

See also:
                Doctors and other Medical and Health Specialists
                Medical and Health Care Qualifications
                Rooms and Departments in Hospitals and Clinics
                Types of Nurse

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