
mardi 19 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - Other People Who Work in Hospitals

Other People Who Work in Hospitals or Care for People who are Ill

attendant noun
someone whose job is to look after another person, especially a person who is in an important position or one who is ill.

care assistant noun
someone who looks after old people or people with serious illnesses, often in a special hospital.

caregiver noun
mainly American a carer.

carer noun
British someone who looks after a person who is ill or unable to look after themselves.

caretaker noun
mainly American a carer.

care worker noun
British a care assistant.

night porter noun
someone whose job is to look after a large building such as a hotel or a hospital during the night.

orderly noun
someone with no special medical training who works in a hospital, doing jobs such as moving people around and cleaning.

physiotherapist noun
someone whose job is to treat injuries using special physical exercises.

porter noun
British an orderly in a hospital.

stretcher-bearer noun
one of the people who carries a stretcher.

physical therapist noun .

total words = 12

See also:
                Doctors and other Medical and Health Specialists
                Medical and Health Care Qualifications
                Places Where People Receive Medical Care
                Rooms and Departments in Hospitals and Clinics
                Types of Nurse

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