
lundi 18 mars 2013

Advanced Vocabulary - School and University Examinations and Tests

School and University Examinations and Tests

the ACT
trademark American College Test: a set of tests that someone must take before they are admitted to some US colleges and universities.

A level noun
examination in one of several subjects that students in England and Wales must take in their final year at school or college before going to university.

AS level noun
an examination taken by students in England and Wales after their GCSEs and before their final year of school or college, usually at the age of 17. AS levels are part of the A level qualification. 

baccalaureate noun
an examination that you take when you are 18 years old in France and some other countries that allows you to study at a university.

bar exam noun
an examination that people must pass in order to become a barrister a lawyer who has the right to speak in a higher court of law.

the boards noun
American board exams .

board exams noun
American a set of tests you take in order to go to some colleges or universities in the US.

cloze test noun
a test in which students write missing words in the spaces provided in a piece of writing to show that they understand it.

comprehension noun
an exercise that tests how well students understand a language, or that helps them to improve their understanding of it, in which they read a piece of writing or listen to someone speaking, and then answer questions.

eleven-plus noun
an examination taken in the past by children in the UK at the age of eleven to decide which kind of school they would go to.

finals noun
the last set of examinations that students take before they finish at a college or university.

final noun
American the last examination that students take before they finish a class at a school or university.

GCSE noun
General Certificate of Secondary Education: an examination in a wide range of subjects taken by students in England and Wales, usually at the age of 15 or 16.

higher noun
in Scotland, a school examination for students between the ages of 16 and 18.

HSC noun
Higher School Certificate: a qualification that students in Australia get when they successfully complete their education at school.

international baccalaureate noun
a set of examinations that is used in many countries as a qualification for going to university.

MCAT noun
American Medical College Admissions Test: an examination that is taken by someone who wants to enter medical school in the US.

O level noun
an examination taken in the past by students aged 15 or 16 in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Since 1988 students have taken examinations called GCSEs

oral noun
a spoken examination, especially in a foreign language.

pop quiz noun
American a short test given to students without any preparation to check that they have been studying.

practical noun
British an examination or lesson in which you make things or do experiments.

resit noun
British an examination that is taken again by someone who failed it previously.

retake noun
an act of taking an examination again because you failed it on the previous occasion.

trademark Scholastic Aptitude Test: in the US, an examination in school subjects that high school students must take before they can go to college or university.

SATS noun
British Standard Assessment Tasks: in the UK, a set of tests in maths, English, and science that children take when they are seven, ten, and thirteen years old so that schools can judge their ability and progress.

viva noun
British a viva voce.

viva voce noun
British an oral examination, especially at a university, in which a student answers questions in an interview with the examiner.

total words = 27

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