out (Separable) = Distribuir (folletos, documentos, solicitudes,
etc.) impresos.
encuenta que es lo opuesto a hand in.
= Mano Out = Fuera
The teacher handed out the exams = El profesor distribuyó los exámenes.
I passed them out
yesterday = Los distribuí ayer.
We shouldn't give
them out yet = No deberíamos de distribuirlos todavía.
Distribúyelo = hand it out.
Distribúyelos = hand them out.
Distribúyelo el martes = Hand it out on
Los distribuiste tarde = You handed them out
¿POr qué los distribuiste tarde? = Why did you
hand them out late?
¿Por qué no los repartiste a tiempo? = Why did
you hand it out late?
¿Distribuiste los formularios? = did you hand
out the forms?
Distribúyelos = Hand them out.
¿Los distribuiste? = Did you hand them out?
Distribúyelo mañana = Hand it out tomorrow.
Repártelos el viernes = Hand them out on
¿Quién los repartió? = Who handed them out?
Lo tienes que distribuir = You have to hand it
Distribúyelos = Hand them out.
Los tenemos que distribuir = We have to hand them out.
Distribuyámoslo = Let’s hand it out.
Distrubuyámoslos = Let’s hand them out.
Deberíamos distrtibuirlos ahora = We should
hand them out now.
Prefiero que lo repartas tú = I’d rather have
you hand them out.
Prefiero que no los repartas = I’d rather not
have you hand them out.
Repártelos ya de una vez = Hand them out once
and for all.
Lo repartieron ayer por la tarde = They handed
it out yesrterday afternoon.
Distribúyelo el jueves = Hand it out on
No los tienes que distribuir más = You don’t
have to hand them out anymore.
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