Get away (Separable)
= Alejarse, escaper
= LLegar Away = Fuera
Get away
from the flame! = ¡Aléjate de la llama!
Get away! =
¡Aléjate de mí! = Get away from me!
Aléjale (a él) de ella = Get her away from him.
Alejémonos del peligro =
Let's get away from the danger.
Escapémonos = Let's get away.
Aléjate = Get away
Saca a ese perro de mi vista = Get that dog away from my sight.
Aléjale (a ella ) de él = Get him away from her.
Se están escapando=
They’re getting away.
Se están escapando de
nosotros = They're getting away from us.
Se escapan = They’re
getting away.
¿Por qué no nos escapamos? = Why don’t we get
Se van a escaper por el
túnel = They’re going to get away through the tunnel.
Escapémosno por la
ventana = Let’s get away through the window.
No nos escapemos
todavía = Let's not get away yet.
Tal vez me vaya durante
unos meses = I might get away for a
few months.
Ellos deberían haberse escapado = They should have
gotten away.
No debes dejarles que
se escapen = You souldn’t let them get away.
¿Cómo se escaparán? = How will they get away?
Es imposible que se escapen = It’s impossible for them to get away.
No los dejes escapar = Don’t let them get away.
Necesito una escapade = I need a get-away.
Me tengo que escapar por unos meses = I have to get away for
a few months.
Se salieron con la
suya = They got their way.
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