
vendredi 2 novembre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Grow Up

Grow up (Inseparable) = Tenemos dos defniciones
                        Grow = Crecer  Up = Arriba


I grew up in Madrid = Me crieé en Madrid.
Where did you grow up? = ¿Dónde te criaste?
You’re so immature, why don’t you grow up = Eres muy inmaduro, por qué no maduras?
Voy a madurar un día de estos = I'm going to grow up one of these days.
Madura ya de una vez = Grow up once and for all.
Me crié aquí = I grew up here.
Se criaron allí también = They grew up there too.
Me crié en España = I grew up in Spain.
Ellos se criaron en el extranjero = They grew up abroad.
Nunca madurarás = You’ll never grow up.
Es difícil criarse en barrios marginados = It's difficult to grow up in ghettos.
Es difícil crecer siendo huérfano = It's difficult to grow up as an orphan.
Madura ya de una vez = Grow up once and for all.
Se criaron en Arabia Saudita = They grew up in Saudi Arabia.
Que suerte que no me crié allí = I'm lucky that I didn't grow up there.
Cuando sea mayor quiero ser bombero = When I grow up I want to be a firefighter.
Cuando era pequeño quería ser bombero = When I was growing up I wanted to be a firefighter.
¡No seas infantil! = Grow up!
Quiero que lleguen a ser buenas personas = I want them to grow up to be good people.
Él no ha Él no ha madurado aún = He hasn't grown up yet.
Deberías madurar = You should grow up.
Apuesto a que prefiero no crecer = I bet you prefer not to grow up.
Debes madurar = You must grow up.
¿Cuándo te harás mayor? = When will you grow up?
¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? = What do you want to be when you grow up?
¿Vas a madurar? = Are you going to grow up?
Me crié escuchando música clásica = I grew up listening to classical music.
Tienes mucho que aprender = You have a lot of growing up to do.

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