
vendredi 2 novembre 2012

Phrasal Verbs - Look Over

Look Over (Separable) = Revisar o repasar algo
                                   Look = Mirar   Over = Sobre

I have to look over the figures before i hand them in = Tengo que revisar las cifras antes de entregárselas
Look them over first = Revísalas primero.
Repásalo = Look it over.
Chequéalos = Look them over.
Míralo primero = Look it over first.
Míralos primer  = Look them over first.
Mira las cifras = Look over the figures.
Échales un vistazo = Look them over.
Miremos los resultados = Let's look over the results.
Repása la información = Look over the information.
Míralo y luego me llamas = Look it over and call me back.
No lo miré primero = I didn't look it over first.
Repásalo = Look it over.
Los tenemos que mirar primero = We have to look them over first.
No los miré primero = I didn't look them over first.
Los miramos ayer = We looked them over yesterday.
¿Los miramos?=  Shall we look them over?
Míralo tú mismo = Look it over yourself.
Mirémoslo ahora = Let's look it over right now.
Lo tenemos que mirar primero = We have to look it over first.
No lo quieren mirar = They don’t want to look it iver.
Debes repasar los resultados = You must look over the results.
¿No deberías repasarlos primero? = Shouldn’t you look them over first?
Repásalos y te quedarás satisfecho = Look them over and you’ll be satisfied.
Repasa los apuntes = Look over your notes.
Repásalos = Look them over.
Tengo que repasar las cifras de antes = I have to llok over the figures first.

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