
vendredi 8 mars 2013

Grammar - Suffixes list II


-necked suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns for describing what kind of neck someone has
-necked suffix
used with some adjectives for describing the neck of a piece of clothing
-necked suffix
used with some adjectives for describing the top part of a bottle or other container
-ness suffix
used with many adjectives to make nouns meaning a state or quality
-neutral suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning not affected by a particular thing
-phile suffix
used for making nouns and adjectives describing someone who loves or likes something
-philia suffix
used for making nouns describing a form of sexual activity that is not considered normal
-philia suffix
used for making nouns describing some medical conditions
-phobe suffix
used for making nouns meaning someone who dislikes or who is afraid of someone or something
-phobia suffix
used for making nouns describing a strong feeling of disliking or being afraid of someone or something
-phobic suffix
used for making adjectives meaning disliking or afraid of someone or something very much
-phone suffix
used for making nouns meaning something relating to sound or to equipment for producing sounds
-phone suffix
used for making nouns and adjectives meaning or describing someone who speaks a particular language
-powered suffix
used with some nouns, for saying what provides the power for equipment or machines
-proof suffix
used with some nouns for describing something that will provide protection against the damaging effects of something else
-related suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives describing what something is connected with
-rich suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives describing what something contains or has in large amounts
-ridden suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning full of something, usually something unpleasant or harmful
-rimmed suffix
used with some nouns and adjectives to form adjectives describing the type of rim that something has
-run suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning controlled or organized by someone or something
-’s suffix
used with nouns for showing who or what something belongs to
-’s suffix
used with nouns to show a connection or relationship
-’s suffix
used for talking about the home of a particular person
-’s suffix
used for talking about some types of shops
-saving suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning spending less, or using less of something
-scape suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns describing a wide view of a particular type
-seeking suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives meaning looking for something or trying to get something
-shaped suffix
used with many nouns to make adjectives describing the shape of something
-ship suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning a particular job or position
-ship suffix
used with some nouns to make a word meaning the period of time someone has a particular job or position
-ship suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning an ability or skill
-ship suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns meaning all the people in a particular group
-sided suffix
used with numbers to make adjectives describing how many sides an object has
-sided suffix
used with some adjectives to make adjectives describing the sides of something
-sided suffix
used with numbers to make adjectives describing how many people or groups are involved in something
-skinned suffix
used with some adjectives to make adjectives describing skin
-sleeved suffix
used with some adjectives to make other adjectives describing the type of sleeves that a piece of clothing has
-something suffix
used with numbers such as twenty, forty, sixty etc to refer to the age of someone who is between 20 and 29, 40 and 49 etc, or to make nouns meaning someone who is that age
-spattered suffix
used with some nouns to make adjectives describing something that has been covered with small drops of a liquid
-speak suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns describing the type of language that someone uses This word often shows that you dislike this type of language
-speaking suffix
used with the names of languages to make adjectives meaning speaking a particular language
-speaking suffix
used for describing what language is spoken in a particular region
-spoken suffix
used with some adverbs to form adjectives that describe the way someone speaks
-storeyed suffix
formal used for saying how many levels a building has
-stricken suffix
used with some nouns to describe people or things affected by serious problems or unpleasant emotions
-style suffix
used with some adjectives and nouns to make adjectives describing someone’s qualities or the way that something is done or designed
-tion suffix
used with verbs to make nouns
-tipped suffix
used with some nouns for saying that something has a tip that is made from a particular substance
-to-be suffix
used after some nouns to describe the person that someone will soon be or the position that they will soon have
-tongued suffix
used with some adjectives to make adjectives describing the way someone speaks or writes
-type suffix
used with many nouns and adjectives to make adjectives meaning having the qualities or features of a particular person, thing, or group
-ward suffix
in a particular direction, or towards a particular place used with some nouns and adjectives
-ware suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns describing objects made of a particular material
-ware suffix
used with some nouns to make nouns describing objects that you use for a particular purpose or in a particular place
-ways suffix
in a particular direction used with some nouns
-wise suffix
speaking of, or referring to used with many nouns, verbs, and adjectives
-wise suffix
in the direction of used with some nouns and adjectives

total words = 56 total suffixes = 146                         Suffixes list 1

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