
mardi 30 avril 2013

PV - Accede to sth

Accede to sth (formal)

*If you accede to someone’s request or opinion, you allow it or agree with it, usually rather unwillingly: He was upset by my refusal to accede to his request. # To accede to such a contention would set a dangerous precedent.
*To do what someone wants or agree with what they say: They were forced to accede to all of the hijacker’s demands.
*To agree to do what people have asked you to do: He graciously acceded to our request. # It is doubtful whether the government will ever accede to the nationalist’ demands for independence.
*To agree to a demand, proposal, etc. especially after first disagreeing with it: The doctor’s refusal to accede to his patient’s request.

accede verb

ß                             à

See also:

                Intro Phrasal Verbs
                Lista básica Phrasal Verbs

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