
vendredi 17 mai 2013

PV - Ask around

Ask around

*Ask in a lot of places or ask a lot of people: I’ll ask around, see if I can find you a place to stay.

*If you ask around when they you need help with something, you ask several people, usually people you do not know, to help you: She asked around but no-one seemed to know where the little boy had gone. # I asked around the village to see if any of the old men would like to come with me.

*To speak to a number of different people in order to try and get some information: I don’t know of any vacancies in the company but I’ll ask around.

*To ask a lot of different people in order to get information or help: Our babysitter’s just moved away, so we’re asking around for a replacement.

*(intransitive) To ask several people for information or advice: I asked around, but nobody had seen him for days.

ask verb

ß                             à

See also:

                Intro Phrasal Verbs
                Lista básica Phrasal Verbs

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