
mardi 4 mars 2014

Lista de Preposiciones más comunes

Las preposiciones son palabras de relación y dirección. Este tipo de palabras vinculan a los sustantivos, pronombres, verbos y frases en una oración. Sin preposiciones sería imposible entender la comunicación.

Por ejemplo en la frase: ‘I want go the market order get fast food’. Quizás puedas ser capaz de descifrar las palabras faltantes, pero en gramática no vamos a estar en ese plan, obviamente  las palabras faltantes son preposiciones y la frase correcta seria: ‘I want to go to the market in order to get fast food’.

Hay muchísimas preposiciones, todas ellas para mostrar la relación que hay entre ideas. Imagina a los posibles lugares que un ratón se pueda desplazar sobre una mesa: arriba, abajo, al costado, encima, debajo, detrás, aunque no se muestran muchas preposiciones al menos te da una idea de la función de una preposición.

Aquí te dejo una pequeña lista de preposiciones más usadas y por supuesto muy importantes de practicarlas.

  1. Aboard: Can’t climb aboard without a preposition
  2. About: Can’t make much ado about nothing without about
  3. Above: Can’t go above and beyond the call of duty without the preposition above
  4. Absent: Can’t be absent from school either!
  5. According to: How could you site a source without ‘according to?’
  6. Across: Guess you can’t sit across from anyone at Thanksgiving dinner
  7. After: No more after-parties without the word after
  8. Against: You’ll have to agree to everything if you can’t vote against things
  9. Ahead of: No one will ever again be ahead of their time without the preposition ahead.
  10. Along: You need along to signify that you are going along for the side
  11. Alongside: You also need alongside to describe where you are, alongside your best friend.
  12. Amid: Amid all the chaos, the preposition amid stands out.
  13. Amidst: Amidst the rubble, you have the word amidst.
  14. Among: The preposition among allows you to be among friends.
  15. Anti: Anti-matter and anti-establishment both depend on the preposition anti
  16. Around- Around is a pretty important preposition if you are around town.
  17. As- As long as prepositions exist, sentences make sense.
  18. as far as- As far as we’re concerned, as is a pretty important preposition
  19. as well as- Knowing prepositions as well as their meanings is important.
  20. At- You’ll need at to describe the time at which you’ll arrive.
  21. Atop- How could you be atop a high mountain without atop
  22. Before- Mind before matter is the key to learning prepositions such as before.
  23. Behind- Falling behind on your prepositions, such as behind, would be bad.
  24. Below- There are prepositions above and below the preposition below.
  25. Between- No more secrets between you and me without the preposition between.
  26. But- What would a toddler whine about if they couldn’t say ‘But mommy!’
  27. By- It would be hard to get by without the preposition by
  28. Considering- Considering all these great prepositions, wouldn’t you be sad if you didn’t have this list
  29. Down- Without down, the famous rule of gravity that what goes up must come down wouldn’t have a lot of meaning.
  30. During- We’ve added before and after to the list, during completes the trifecta
  31. Except- We can’t name all the prepositions except for except!
  32. Excluding- Excluding excluding would also be a terrible mistake!
  33. Following: Following right along with our pattern, following is the next preposition on the list.
  34. For- If it weren’t for the preposition for it would be hard for you to talk.
  35. From- Prepositions such as from are far from unimportant
  36. In- In case you didn’t know, in is a preposition also!
  37. In addition to- In addition to is a lovely addition to the preposition list.
  38. In case of- In case of emergency, you can always use a preposition to get help.
  39. Inside- Now you have the inside track on prepositions!
  40. Into- Without the preposition into, you couldn’t get into trouble.
  41. Like- Like is, like, the most, like, overused preposition on, like, the planet.
  42. mid- Mid is a good preposition to be midway through the list- of course, it isn’t quite mid way but we’re close!
  43. Near- Without near, we wouldn’t be able to tell you that you are near to the end o the list
  44. Next- Next is a good preposition to be the next item on the prepositions list!
  45. next to- Next to the preposition, next, ‘next to’ may be the most important word
  46. notwithstanding- Notwithstanding the importance of prepositions, this list is still fun
  47. of- Without Of, we wouldn’t have Of Mice and Men (or, well, any other sentence or title that uses “off”)
  48. Off- The name of a popular bug spray, Off! Is also a great preposition.
  49. On- On the same topic, the preposition on is the opposite of the preposition off
  50. on account of- On account of prepositions, such as on account of, we can communicate.
  51. on behalf of- On behalf of English speaker’s everywhere, we say that prepositions are great.
  52. on top of- On top of all the other wonderful prepositions, we also have ‘on top of’
  53. onto- Onto the next preposition, which is onto.
  54. Opposite- Is there an opposite to the preposition opposite?
  55. Outside- Without prepositions, you could never think outside the box.
  56. outside of- You could also never color outside of the lines.
  57. Over- The preposition over is required to think things over.
  58. owing to- Owing to prepositions, we are able to communicate.
  59. Past- Don’t look past the preposition past.
  60. Per- Per our instructions, the preposition per should be learned.
  61. Plus- Plus is a preposition plus a math word!
  62. prior to- Prior to learning prepositions, such as prior to, communicate was way less fun.
  63. Regarding- Movies such as Regarding Henry take advantage of the preposition regarding.
  64. Round- Without a preposition, such as round, you couldn’t go round the town.
  65. Save- You also couldn’t Save the Wales without the preposition save
  66. Since- Since you asked, since is also a preposition
  67. Than- There are few prepositions greater than than
  68. Through- When Alice went through the looking glass, she used a preposition.
  69. Throughout- Throughout history, the preposition throughout has been used.
  70. To- Without “to,” Shakespeare could not have asked his famous question- to be or not to be.
  71. Until- Until you read his list, you may not have known that until was a preposition.
  72. Up- Up up and away is a cry you couldn’t say without prepositions.
  73. With- With or without your consent, prepositions will keep on directing sentences.
  74. Within- Within the confines of many sentences, you are likely to find the preposition within.
  75. Without- Without the preposition without, you’d be without a clue.


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Idioms Thematic list of Idioms
Common errors Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common misspellings Lista de Términos Gramaticales
Regular vs Irregular Verbs Abz Grammar Top Tips

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