Synthetic - False - Man-Made - Fake - Imitation
These words all describe things that are not real, or not naturally produced or grown.
Artificial made or produced to copy sth natural; not real: Artificial flowers. | Artificial light.
Synthetic made by combining chemical substances rather than being produced naturally by plants or animals: Synthetic drugs. | Shoes with synthetic soles.
False not natural: False teeth. | False beard.
Man-made made by people; not natural: man-made fibres such as nylon.
Fake made to look like sth else; not real: A fake-fur jacket.
Imitation (only before a noun) made to look like sth else; not real. She would never wear imitation pearls.
*Artificial/synthetic/man-made fabrics/fibres/materials/products
*Artificial/synthetic/fake/imitation fur/leather
*Artificial/synthetic/false/fake/imitation diamonds/pearls
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