Conversation - Dialogue - Talk - Debate - Consultation - Chat - Gossip
These are all words for an occasion when people talk about sth.
Discussion a detailed conversation about sth that is considered to be important: Discussions are still taking place between the two leaders.
Conversation a talk, usually a private or informal one, involving two people or a small group; the activity of talking in this way: A telephone conversation.
Dialogue conversations in a book, play or film: The novel has long descriptions and not much dialogue. A dialogue is also a formal discussion between two groups, especially when they are trying to solve a problem or end a dispute: The President told waiting reporters there had been a constructive dialogue.
Talk a conversation or discussion, often one about a problem or sth important for the people involved: I had a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.
Debate a formal discussion of an issue at a public meeting or in a parliament. In a debate two or more speakers express opposing views and then there is often a vote on the issue: A debate on prison reform.
Consultation a formal discussion between groups of people before a decision is made about sth: There have been extensive consultations between the two countries.
Chat a friendly informal conversation; informal talking. Remember that the countable use of chat is especially British English: I just called in for a chat about the kids.
Gossip a conversation about other people and their private lives: We had a good gossip about the boss.
*a discussion/conversation/dialogue/talk/debate/consultation/chat/gossip about sth
*a discussion/conversation/dialogue/debate/consultation on sth
*in (close) discussion/conversation/dialogue/debate/ consultation with sb
*to have a discussion/conversation/dialogue/talk/debate/consultation/chat/gossip with sb
*to hold a discussion/conversation/debate/consultation
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