Happiness - Pride - Contentment - Fulfilment
These are all words for the good feeling that you have when you are happy or when you have achieved sth.
Satisfaction the good feeling that you have when you have achieved sth or when sth that you wanted to happen does happen: He derived great satisfaction from knowing that his son was happy.
Happiness the good feeling that you have when you are happy: Money can’t buy you happiness.
Pride a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that you get when you or people who are connected with you have done sth well or own sth that other people admire: The sight of her son graduating filled her with pride.
Contentment rather formal) a feeling of happiness or satisfaction with what you have: They found contentment in living a simple life.
Fulfilment a feeling of happiness or satisfaction with what you do or have done: Her search for personal fulfilment.
You can feel satisfaction at achieving almost anything, small or large; you feel fulfilment when you do sth useful and enjoyable with your life. Happiness is the feeling you have when things give you pleasure and can be quite a lively feeling; contentment is a quieter feeling that you get when you have learned to find pleasure in things.
*satisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfillment in sth
*real satisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfilment
*true satisfaction/happiness/contentment/fulfilment
*great satisfaction/happiness/pride
*quiet satisfaction/pride/contentment
*to feel satisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment
*to bring sb satisfaction/happiness/pride/contentment/fulfilment
*to find satisfaction/happiness/contentment/fulfillment
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