Construct - Assemble - Erect - Put sth up
These words al mean to make sth, especially by putting different parts together.
Build to make sth, especially a building, by putting parts together: A house built of stone. | They are going to build on the site of the old power station.
Construct (often passive) (rather formal) to build sth such as a road, building or machine.
Assemble (rather formal) to fit together all the separate parts of sth such as piece of furniture or a machine: The cupboard is easy to assemble.
Erect (formal) to build sth; to put sth in position and make it stand upright: Police had to erect barriers to keep crowds back.
Put sth up to build or pace sth somewhere: They’re putting up new hotels in order to boost tourism in the area.
*To build/construct/erect/put up a house/wall
*To build/construct/erect/put up some shelves
*To build/construct/erect/put up a barrier/fence/shelter
*To build/construct/assemble a(an) engine/machine
*To build/construct a road/railway/railroad/tunnel
*To erect/put up a tent/statue/monument
Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms
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