
vendredi 2 mai 2014

Notes on usage: Care

Caution  -  Prudence


These are all words for attention or thought that you give to sth in order to avoid mistakes or accidents.


Care attention or thought that you give to sth that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage: She chose her words with care.
Caution care that you take in order to avoid danger or mistakes; not taking any risks: The utmost caution must be exercised when handling explosives.
Prudence (rather formal) being sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks: As a matter of prudence, keep a record of all your financial transactions. Remember that prudence is used particularly in financial contexts.


*to do sth with care/caution/prudence
*great/extreme care/caution/prudence
*to use/exercise care/caution/prudence
*to proceed with care/caution



Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Sentences Errors Frequently confused words
Common Clichés Thematic list of Idioms
Common misspellings Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common Preposition Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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