
samedi 3 mai 2014

Notes on usage: Expensive

Costly  -  Overpriced  -  Pricey


These words all describe sth that costs a lot of money.


Expensive costing a lot of money; charging high prices: I can’t afford it—it’s just too expensive for me. | An expensive restaurant.
Costly (rather formal) costing a lot of money, especially more than you want to pay: You want to avoid costly legal proceedings if you can.
Overpriced too expensive; costing more than it is worth: Ridiculously overpriced designer clothes.
Pricey (informal) expensive: Houses in the village are now too pricey for local people to afford.
Dear [not usually before noun] (BrE) expensive: Everything’s so dear now, isn’t it? Remember that this word is starting to become rather old-fashioned.


*expensive/costly/overpriced/pricey for sb/sth
*expensive/costly to do sth
*very/too/fairly/quite/pretty expensive/costly/pricey


Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Sentences Errors Frequently confused words
Common Clichés Thematic list of Idioms
Common misspellings Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common Preposition Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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