
mardi 6 mai 2014

Notes on usage: Fun

Pleasure  -  (a) Good time  -  Enjoyment  -  (a) Great time


These are all words for the feeling of enjoying yourself, or activities or time that you enjoy.


Fun (rather informal) the feeling of enjoying yourself; activities that you enjoy: We had a lot of fun at Sarah's party. | Sailing is good/great fun.
Pleasure (rather formal) the feeling of enjoying yourself or being satisfied: Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same.
(a) Good time (rather informal) a time that you spend enjoying yourself: We had a good time in Spain.
Enjoyment (rather formal) the feeling of enjoying yourself: I get a lot of enjoyment from music.
(a) Great time (rather informal) a time that you spend enjoying yourself very much: We had a really great time together.


Enjoyment usually comes from an activity that you do; pleasure can come from sth that you do or sth that happens: He beamed with pleasure at seeing her. | He beamed with enjoyment at seeing her.


*to do sth for fun/pleasure/enjoyment
*great fun/pleasure/enjoyment
*a to have fun/a good time/a great time
*to get pleasure/enjoyment from sth
*to spoil the fun/sb’s pleasure/sb’s enjoyment


Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Sentences Errors Frequently confused words
Common Clichés Thematic list of Idioms
Common misspellings Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common Preposition Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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