
mardi 6 mai 2014

Notes on usage: Honest

Frank - Direct - Open - Outspoken - Straight - Blunt


These words all describe people saying exactly what they mean without trying to hide feelings, opinions or facts.


Honest not hiding the truth about sth: Thank you for being so honest with me.
Frank honest in what you say, sometimes in a way that other people might not like: To be frank with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.
Direct saying exactly what you mean in a way that nobody can pretend not to understand: You’ll have to get used to his direct manner. Being direct is sometimes considered positive but sometimes it is used as a ‘polite’ way of saying that sb is rude.
Open (approving) (of a person) not keeping thoughts and feelings hidden: He was quite open about his reasons for leaving.
Outspoken saying exactly what you think, even if this shocks or offends people: She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.
Straight honest and direct: I don't think you’re being straight with me.
Blunt saying exactly what you think without trying to be polite: She has a reputation for blunt speaking.


Honest and frank refer to what you say as much as how you say it: a(n) honest/frank admission of guilt. They are generally positive words, although it is possible to be too frank in a way that other people might not like. Direct, outspoken and blunt all describe sb’s manner of saying what they think. Outspoken suggests that you are willing to shock people by saying what you believe to be right. Blunt and direct often suggest that you think honesty is more important than being polite. Open is positive and describes sb’s character: I’m a very open person.


*honest/frank/direct/open/outspoken/straight about sth
*honest/frank/direct/open/straight/blunt with sb
*a(n) honest/direct/straight/blunt answer
*a frank/direct/blunt manner


Top Tips Abz Ingles - Notes on usage - Synonyms


See also:

Common Phrasal Verbs Irregular Verbs List
Common Sentences Errors Frequently confused words
Common Clichés Thematic list of Idioms
Common misspellings Phrasal Verbs Particles list
Common Preposition Lista de Términos Gramaticales

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